Top LATAM Economist calls Argentine economy ¨time bomb ticking¨

zapatosgoma said:
The economist in the article "forgets" to mention that what triggered the 2001 crisis were the insurmountable debt obligations. The default, and the rise of commodities prices, brought that down to a much more manageable level (reference below) Crisis coming? No. Belt tightening? Probably. Just my two cents....

You forgot to comment that the trigger of 2001 crisis was the De la Rua accomplished all the FMI goals and he did exactly that this economist proposed.
Yes, that too. What I tried to say is that the crisis of 2001 was under circumstances that I don't see as present today. Not in Argentina, at least, perhaps Greece, etc. Not that I see all being fine and dandy in Argentina, but not so bad as ten years ago.
Exactly ---- and don't forget that they were also the ones who fudged the numbers in order to get Greece into the Euro zone. So they are in late part also responsible for the Euro crisis.

ghost said:
For once we can agree. Goldman Sachs is the best example of why the Wall Street protests exist. Unfortunately not one of those slime bags went to jail and not one mega bank was dismantled.
The Creature From Jekyll Island is alive and well and busy formulating the next plan for debt slavery. So in that one respect, Argentina somewhat protected.
Starting Monday

Government announced that to buy dollars will have to be approved by the AFIP

Economy Minister Amado Boudou, said the administration will validate that individuals or companies that acquire foreign currency funds are appropriate to do so. "

We have detected CUIL CUIT and whose incomes do not agree with the dollars they want to buy," he said. As announced á the measure does not affect the maximum amount of purchase