Tour Operators?

What if you book your travel directly with the airlines instead of going through a travel agency?
GS_Dirtboy said:
What if you book your travel directly with the airlines instead of going through a travel agency?

The whole thing is a moot point for expats. We can always buy airline tickets with our credit cards from our home countries.

This new scheme is designed to stop the abuse of the official exchange rate. AFIP is finally on to this. I didn't even know that travel agencies were getting pesos at the official rate for travel. I thought everyone had to get their dollars and then buy travel.

The first thing I did when I heard about this is send an email to my travel agent to see if I can book some travel for my friends and family members abroad and pay here in pesos. It's a good way to spend pesos at the official rate and then have the family members pay us back in dollars. We can even share some of the savings with them.

I'm not sure if this is going to work, but I am sure going to find out. This would be a great way to get rid of massive quantities of pesos. I have family members & friends who travel a lot.