Turning the corner on Iraq

darmanad said:
The beginning of the end of a tragic chapter in American history. And it wasn't very good for Iraq either.

What? Read the small print. The US is not exiting Iraq. 50,000 troops, augmented by more and yet more mercenaries, are staying on. At some stage, the "democratically elected" government of Iraq will put in a "request" to the US to maintain its troops in Iraq. Meanwhile the US now has control over Iraq's oil exports and has an instrument with which to break OPEC. The exercise has been successful.
bigbadwolf said:
What? Read the small print. The US is not exiting Iraq. 50,000 troops, augmented by more and yet more mercenaries, are staying on. At some stage, the "democratically elected" government of Iraq will put in a "request" to the US to maintain its troops in Iraq. Meanwhile the US now has control over Iraq's oil exports and has an instrument with which to break OPEC. The exercise has been successful.

sounds like the expansion of the american empire is right on track. the endgame has been achieved. it was never planned for us to completely leave. now we will maintain our permanent presence there. next to fall in line will be iran and syria.

Hamas Slowly Islamising Gaza
By Mel Frykberg

RAMALLAH, Aug 3, 2010 (IPS) - Gazans are caught between a rock and a hard place. While Israel continues to apply a crippling siege on the coastal territory, Gaza's Hamas government is cracking down on civil and political liberties in what appears to be a campaign to slowly Islamise Gaza.
..."Hamas is no longer interested in keeping up appearances when it comes to Fatah and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO). Hamas started off being verbally critical of its arch enemies but this has moved towards the arrest of and imprisonment of Fatah activists and the banning of political opposition," Awad told IPS.
Turkey's PM Erdogan vows to 'annihilate' PKK rebels
(June 20)
'We're Not Living, Just Not Dying'
By Jake Hess
SULEYMANIYA, Iraq, Aug 4, 2010 (IPS) - Compared to most internally displaced Kurds in northern Iraq, Shamal Qadir is almost lucky. Since the Turkish army devastated his village, Kuzine, in a bombing raid Jul. 1, he's been living in a schoolhouse, where room temperatures are comfortable and basic amenities are accessible.

Qadir is one of roughly 6,500 people who have been driven from their homes by Turkish and Iranian bombings of Kurdish border villages in northern Iraq since May 24. About two-thirds of the displaced are currently living in dusty tent camps scattered across barren mountain ranges, their essential needs barely being met by international aid agencies and local authorities.

Turkey says its attacks are aimed at the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), the leftist insurgency that demands greater rights and freedoms for the country's Kurds. Turkey has been bombing northern Iraq periodically since 1983, the year before the PKK formally began its military campaign against the Turkish state.

Local villagers and aid agencies active in the area report that current Turkish- Iranian bombings are more intense and happening closer to civilian settlements than they have been in recent years. The escalation may reflect the early stages of a developing larger-scale assault on Kurdish rebel bases in the Qandil mountain area.

The Turkish government recently announced plans to dispatch a new, professionalised 'special army' to fight the PKK along the Iraqi border and to build 150 new military outposts in the area. The U.S. has also started opening wider swathes of Iraqi airspace to facilitate Turkish attacks on the PKK.

"On Apr. 14 2009, the Turkish government began a series of arrest operations that has led to the imprisonment of between roughly 840 and 1,600 Kurdish political activists, among them elected mayors from the leftist and pro- Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP), and renowned human rights activists.

http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/11/world/middleeast/11iraq.html?ref=todayspaper :
In a recent speech President Obama took credit for delivering on his promise to end the official combat mission on schedule, and vowed to meet America’s next deadline of moving all American forces off Iraqi soil by the end of 2011. “As agreed to with the Iraqi government, we will maintain a transitional force until we remove all our troops from Iraq by the end of next year,” the president said.
“Everybody considers 1 September, we’re abandoning Iraq,” General Odierno said. “We’re not abandoning Iraq. What we’re doing is changing our commitment from a military-dominated commitment to one that is more civilian-led. Which is what I think they need more.”
Darmanad you are apologist for War Crimes and a man that noone here supports nor believes. Your propaganda makes World War 2 propaganda tame in comparison and your lack of respect for human values and life make you a bitter man .

Comparing terrible war crimes committed against Palestinian peoples with other crimes worldwide is the sign of desperation from yourself. Iran will be attacked from Israel and millions will be killed possibly and you seem to believe they deserve it even though they have never invaded another country for 100s of years and they have made numerous peace overtures which have been rejected for the sake of war.

Our world is being turned into hell because of people like you who wish to create wars for profits and control of human populations.