Turning the corner on Iraq

Chief of Staff, Lt. General Babakr Zebari stated at a defense conference that the Iraqi army would not be ready to stand on its own until 2020 and the US should remain until then. Zebari is Kurdish. The Kurds have fared well during US occupation. Clearly he is eager to maintain US presence rather than be exposed to an unhampered Baghdad-Ankara alliance. Juan Cole calls it insubordination.
An analysis of Jeff Goldberg's piece that recently appeared in the Atlantic Monthly (thanks to Cabrera for bringing it to our attention). The author concludes that the majority of Israeli Generals and intelligence officiers do not share Netanyahu's apocalyptic rhetoric or perception about an Iranian nuclear threat as an "existential threat."
Sad indeed.

It's going to take a revolution of the mind if we are ever to get over our good guy / bad guy mentality.