Updated info 2009 on buying a car in Argentina

SaraSara said:
I understand you have to be a permanent resident to get an Arg-tagged car out of the country.. Being a citizen is not enough.

Are you sure it ísn´t the opposite?
While taking the ferry to Colonia, the dock inspectors told me an Arg.-tagged car could only be taken out of the country with a DNI showing Arg. residence. An Argentine passport or a cedula are not enough - they have no addresses.

That was last year - things may be different now. Those regulations change all the time, and they are not always enforced. Once my car was overlooked and not checked at all, and another time I did not have the exact right papers but the inspector liked my dog and let us board anyway.
Both citizens of Argentina and permanent residents (foreigners by definition) are required by law to have the DNI (which would include the individuals Argentine address).
For years all I had was my original DNI. Never got around changing my address to Buenos Aires - I think I was still nominally in New York.