Vaccination Mandates For Expat Kids?

Oct 20, 2013
Excited to be moving to BA in the near future. We are trying to get as much information about vaccine requirements and vaccine mandates in Argentina. Do they differ from the US (AAP) and has anyone needed to get a waiver for religious reasons or medical concerns? Are the requirements different for expats vs Argentine citizens? Don't want to start a vax debate, just wanted people's experience. Thanks for your insight.
Here you can find the calender. I don´t think Argentina does waivers, if you don´t vaccinate your kid they will force you to do it (in Cordoba a mother didn´t want to vaccinate, her kids were removed from the home, vaccinated, and returned). You should get records of all vaccinations that they had in the US.
As I understand it vaccines are basically the same as the ones you.d get in the states. I wouldn't worry too much,
I brought my kids from the US in Jan with their records and the doctor said they did not need anything more, only yellow fever if we were going to travel up toward Iguazu Falls.
The vaccines are the same. Only 1 of them they give the booster at a latter time than we do. They dont require ALL the same ones. My 3 year old got chicken pox last year becuase the vaccine wasn't mandatory. but with my 1rst grader, near the beginning of the year they came in to the school and gave all the kids whatever vaccines they needed. Just bring the records with you.
It sounds to me like the OP is really asking about whether it is possible to not get some of the vaccines due to religious reasons or medical concerns. If that's the real question, the answers would be quite different. I found my child's school to be very serious about getting all of the required vaccinations, so I wouldn't hold my breath for a waiver. The schools here aren't so interested in accommodating individual needs. I second the comment about definitely getting the yellow fever vaccine if you have any plans to travel to or toward the falls.
Hmmmmm interesting. I didn't know that about the falls. Everyone I know goes there without the vaccine. My son and nephew were there not long ago. Never heard of that.
I'm not sure my info is current, but it used to be you had to have a yellow fever vaccine if you wanted to enter Brazil. And once, when I flew to the US from Peru, they asked to see my vaccination certificate. Yellow fever is mostly prevalent in countries with jungles, and it's a nasty, nasty disease. Our whole family got the vaccine without any side effects. It may not be required anymore, but I would guess it is still highly recommended depending on where you are traveling.