Not hard to understand how sexual fantasy and marginalized, sexualized females started popping up in video games either. It was bound to happen, just as it did and still does in movies, comic books, and any medium, especially the visual ones. Just go to to see how poorly our films are STILL fairing in this regard. As my generation ages, the average age of gamers is increasing as well. It only follows that games start handling sex in a more mature (i.e. sophisticated) way. Not all of them, of course, just as not all other media portrays it thoughtfully, but it is already starting to happen.
I agree with most of what you say about sex in games, gringoboy, except for your implication that the media gives sexual violence in film a pass. That is partially true with films, because mainstream movies tend to steer well clear of that topic, while they sort of "expect" that kind of thing from indie films and French movies. But when the mainstream does intersect with sexual violence, it can still throw them in a tizzy. Just see the internet's stormy reaction to a certain ambiguous handling of a rape scene in last season's Game of Thrones (S04E03).