I could not agree less. Having worked in and around manufacturing for 40 years, I can see what the post capitalist import laws have done to US manufacturing- and its not a pretty picture.
Argentina is still very strong in all kinds of manufacturing, and its mostly done pretty well about keeping up with technology- but targeted import duties and support for export are essential to keeping that manufacturing, and the middle class jobs it supports, alive.
I have seen textile plants with modern laser and cnc technology in the conurbano, and know of metalworking plants and appliance manufacturers in the provinces with cnc tech as well. But allowing in cheap chinese imports will kill them all quickly, and not replace them with any jobs.
"prosperous" can be defined in many ways.
People in the USA who earn more in dollars, but pay much more for everything are not more prosperous.
if you deduct the 1000 richest people in the USA from its "median" wage, suddenly the salaries there are not so rosy.
The manufacturing sector in Argentina is essential to it not becoming the next El Salvador.
It needs to be nourished and supported.
the question is- Who Benefits?