Virus survives 28 days in paper money

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I know that dollars are printed on cotton/linen paper. What are pesos printed on?
They say "polymer banknotes", not "paper money".

And this 400C is probably 40ºC.
Yes. From the text and the graphs and just plain common sense, the second zero is surely meant to be a superscript " o."

Bear in mind this research involved positively nurturing the virus in the dark, in artificial gloop at carefully controlled temperatures so it is as far from real life conditions as it would be possible to
Yes. From the text and the graphs and just plain common sense, the second zero is surely meant to be a superscript " o."

Bear in mind this research involved positively nurturing the virus in the dark, in artificial gloop at carefully controlled temperatures so it is as far from real life conditions as it would be possible to That said, nothing is going to make me relax my hygiene protocols anytime soon.

(Last part of message dropped out, now restored.)
Printed on paper made of long cotton fibers
"El papel moneda o billete del peso argentino actualmente está elaborado 100% con fibras alargadas de algodón, siendo rezagos provenientes de la industria textil."

So, how long does the virus live on cotton fibres?
There are already things on money that will kill you faster than Covid.

"Escherichia coli (which can cause bloody diarrhea and sometimes even kidney failure or death) and Pseudonomnas aeruoginosa (which causes urinary tract and respiratory system infections). Separately, small quantities of cocaine, heroin, yeast and fungi have also been found on cash."

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