We need to reflect


Jun 20, 2006
For those who are applauding these savage cuts on the argentinian populace their effects are brutal and will not be reversed under this current government . What benefit is to our society some foreign trade to billionaires when close to 60 % are in poverty . The most sad statistic is diré poverty has climbed from 8 % to 17 % under this government in just 6 months .
He's the democratically elected President. And polls show if the election were repeated today he would get a bigger majority than last time. This is the will of the people.

So not sure exactly what you are hoping for here, a small group of quasi communists and foreigners to overthrow the government or something like the Cuban revolution ...
He's the democratically elected President. And polls show if the election were repeated today he would get a bigger majority than last time. This is the will of the people.

So not sure exactly what you are hoping for here, a small group of quasi communists and foreigners to overthrow the government or something like the Cuban revolution ...
You like to be extreme in your comments . Stating the facts seems to bother you maybe you are used to communist ideas where información is supressed.

If poverty remains at a sustained level well above 42% or on a constantly increasing trajectory over the next year, then I have no doubt that all levels of Argentine society will and must ask some hard questions to the government they elected and they (we) will have every opportunity to express themselves at the mid-term elections next year.

In the meantime lets not negate or re-invent modern Argentine history (and suppress facts) to pretend that the human misery of very high poverty rates has never been seen before in this country (with or without savage cuts) or that it has never "bounced back" from it to some degree.

In the meantime I would encourage expats or foreign fans of Argentina emotionally affected by the visible rise in poverty and who want to do more than just "reflecting" to get involved in donating food, money, time, effort... whatever they can to various social organisations. Maybe people can post here links to different organisations so people can get directly involved and try and be part of the solution on a personal level.

Also for those witnessing homelessness in their neighbourhoods there is the Line 108 to call (especially important during winter when temperatures drop)
Fundacion Sí is a great organization that helps those living on the streets. You can donate money, clothing or volunteer for their 'Recorridos Nocturnos' project where they visit those living in precarious situations to share food, conversation and a bit of grace and humanity.