We Ru(I)N Buenos Aires 2014

The results show that 7114 people finished the race. This is on numerous websites.
The race had a capacity of 10,000 and was sold out. Does that mean that 29% of people just slept in.

Can't that be a combination of non-shows and people who didn't finish/finish in time?
To the topic: I guess it sucks if you just want to take part in a run and they have these kinds of restrictions, don't communicate them optimally and enforce them strictly. However, I can imagine that they don't do it to fuck up a couple of runners in order to save some bucks on the shirts (typically its basically free advertisement for Nike), but that they would be sued in case something happens and they don't have these documents, which could get extremely expensive...
I ran the Paris marathon this year and it was quite clear that if you didn't have your medical cert when you went collect your race pack and number, you wouldn't be given them. I think this is true for all races in France, but it was a first for me.
Thorsten 29% is a hell of a lot of no shows and slow runners they allowed over 3 hrs for people to run the course.
They did not fuck up a couple of runners ,it was almost 3000. More than $600,000 Pesos.
In the Baires half marathon 5 weeks earlier this was not an issue and nobody was refused a shirt or a chip.
If they were worried about being sued al they had to do was ask people to sign a disclaimer .
It seems the issue is not so much that the requirements were listed - albeit in an obscure place on the website - but that you've been able to just sign a waiver in the past and run the race without the docs. This time they decided (arbitrarily) to enforce the rules.

That can be really frustrating.

They were not obscure. It's right there on the website. https://www.werunbuenosaires.com/informacion

[background=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Descargá el Deslinde de Responsabilidad y Certificado Médico. Recordá llevar estos documentos el día del retiro del Kit.[/background]

Every race has different. This one was totally up front about them on the website, and probably via email. If the OP had not waited until the last second to get his kit, maybe he would have been able to participate. I don't buy it that 10,000 people signed up. If 3,000 people weren't able to participate, you would have heard about it by now. On the Club de Corredores FB page, there isn't one complaint that I could find... https://www.facebook.com/clubdecorredores/photos/a.141860575849928.14972.140908819278437/723786924323954/?type=1&theater

Some personal responsibility.. please.
To run the 30km race next month people can sign sign a disclaimer. See below.
Nike shafted almost 3000 runners for no valid legal reason.

• La entrega de kits se realizará en lugar a confirmar, únicamente el día sábado 12 de julio de 2014 en el horario de 9,00 a 20,00 horas.
• A cada participante que se inscriba se le entregará un kit completo (remera oficial, un chip y un dorsal). Para dicha entrega el participante deberá presentar OBLIGATORIAMENTE el comprobante de inscripción y/o cupón de pago junto con una FOTOCOPIA de su DNI, LC, LE, Pasaporte y/o algún documento que acredite su identidad. Asimismo, deberá presentar firmado el deslinde de Responsabilidades del participante
Same deal in Italy. No medical certificate, no race. Basta. I ran the BA half a few years back and it was super casual with all of the documents. Maybe Nike is just nervous that something could happen legally and they will have liability/get bad publicity. I find all those document requirements a total drag for running international races, but maybe the release forms aren't airtight legally.
Sounds like a real bummer.