We should all stop and think.

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This forum is full of doom and gloomers, but for once, they maybe right. I have to re watch the great movie, forgot it’s name, with Henry Fonda and about the depression years in the us. I remember: the grapes of wrath

A better film than that one is showing now at a small cinema in the US. It's called,
Neowonk's post now can be considered prescient. Although Caribcool uses the qualifier "almost" when writing "almost racist," it was an example of empty virtue signaling. The post was not racist in the slightest and if racial speech were a crime (which it is not), you would never have found a lawyer to take the case. Admitting one was wrong is virtuous. In my opinion, Neowonk also deserves an apology for nonsensical quasi claims of racism.

Those who "liked" Caribcool's post might want to reflect as well.

It's interesting how the virtue signaling post referred to mentions of Chinese as racist as if Chinese is a race. I wonder who they thought Neowonk was being "almost racist" towards. The Hans, Uyghurs, Tibetans, Manchus, all of the above ? And all because he mentioned that there was a potential geographical connection between the original location of the virus outbreak and Argentina?
When I tried to warn people of the seriousness of this back in January.

You were the first to respond with this:

It's people like you, with your superior than thou, political correctness that got us into this mess by not implementing prudent travel restrictions.

Singapore and Russia that did implement travel restriction back in January around the time of my post have almost no cases.

Forgive me if I have absolutely NO INTEREST in your sanctimonious advice.
Actually, you didn't try to warn people of the seriousness of this back in January. You warned us that Chinese supermarket staff are mostly from Fujian, and that Fujian is in China which, at the time, had the most cases in the world. Big deal. The Chinese supermarkets didn't import the virus into Argentina.
Actually, you didn't try to warn people of the seriousness of this back in January. You warned us that Chinese supermarket staff are mostly from Fujian, and that Fujian is in China which, at the time, had the most cases in the world. Big deal. The Chinese supermarkets didn't import the virus into Argentina.
I assumed people could put two and two together and enact prudent travel restrictions. In your case, I was wrong.
Thank you Kookaburra. Shades of Joe Mccarthy here. And Mr Kookaburra I feel very confident you can put 2 and 2 together.
Neowonk's post now can be considered prescient. Although Caribcool uses the qualifier "almost" when writing "almost racist," it was an example of empty virtue signaling. The post was not racist in the slightest and if racial speech were a crime (which it is not), you would never have found a lawyer to take the case. Admitting one was wrong is virtuous. In my opinion, Neowonk also deserves an apology for nonsensical quasi claims of racism.

Those who "liked" Caribcool's post might want to reflect as well.

I'm not expecting a person like CC to apologize. He also backhandedly called an old respected member of this forum a Nazi. Some reference to the member writing an addendum to Mein Kampf.

But it's Cool - it's Caribbean Cool.

When called out for it he just ignored it and suggested people move on but....

It's Cool - in fact it's Caribbean Cool.

Some people are allowed to engage in hate speech with impunity, face no consequences and then call somewhat else a Nazi, but

It's Cool - in fact it's Caribbean Cool.

Now let's think positive about this he says and then maybe let's call somewhat else a Nazi but

It's Cool, in fact, it's Caribbean Cool


I'd just like to say that I've known a lot of folks from the Caribbean and none of them have been uber ash-hats.

My guess is that CC is NOT from the Caribbean.
Thank you Kookaburra. Shades of Joe Mccarthy here. And Mr Kookaburra I feel very confident you can put 2 and 2 together.
F'ing Hilarious!

I accuse CC of backhanded insults and hate speech. I cite examples ("almost racist", "addendum to Mein Kampf")

And how does he respond.

"Shades of Joe McCarthy"

CC you're precious!
Actually, you didn't try to warn people of the seriousness of this back in January. You warned us that Chinese supermarket staff are mostly from Fujian, and that Fujian is in China which, at the time, had the most cases in the world. Big deal. The Chinese supermarkets didn't import the virus into Argentina.

Neowonk was the first to raise the issue of coronavirus hitting Argentina hard. While most were responding with it's just the flu, car accidents are more of a threat, you're racist, over hyped by the media, used by Trump to close borders to non-whites, etc.

He was called "almost racist" by Caribbean cool and a Nazi for suggesting that there could be exposure in Argentina because of travel from an area near where a viral outbreak took place. Now almost every country in the world is shutting down their borders for that very reason.
He didn't actual call me a Nazi. He did that to an old respected member of the board. It's still there. I'd don't care what he calls me but I was disappointed that a member that's contributed so much to the forum (unlike me) is called a Nazi and it's treated as just another day. Sad... Of course those are just the posts I know about - maybe he called me or someone else a Nazi on some other post I didn't see. I wouldn't be surprised by it. BTW I believe in free speech and I defend CC's right to call people Nazis without any evidence - but it sad when some members actually 'Like' it. Disappointed...
Just for the record....who did I call a Nazi??? You keep referring to me as someone who labels people as nazis...just curious who I called a nazi.
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