What do you wish you would have brought to BA?


Oct 25, 2012
Hello everyone,

I've been going to Baires for a while, but only for a couple of weeks at the time. Now I will be going for a much longer time... So I just wanted to ask: What are good things to bring? I've heard a few friends complain about shortages on certain things due to the import limitations...

So what are things you cannot get on BS As or that you wish someone would have advised you to bring?

Thank you!!
We live 1/2 time in BsAs, so we take down things we would miss, ie bags of coffee beans, good knives, frying pans. What do you need around you for comfort and happiness?
If you have toiletries that you really like (shampoo, conditioner, lotion, face creams, etc.) bring enough for your trip. I made the mistake of thinking I'd be able to find equivalent products. You CAN find equivalents or the same products for some things, but the cost is MUCH higher for quality products. My shampoo and conditioner at the salons here is triple the price for a smaller bottle. I regret not bringing a liter of each with me. Have been trying to find cheaper alternatives and haven't had much luck. :-/

There are many food items that I miss, but you get used to eating differently so don't try to pack a suitcase peanut butter or Lucky Charms. I miss almond milk and the vast selection of fat-free yogurts in the U.S., but I forgive the Argentines for their lack of low-fat products since they provide for me the best empanadas, wine, pizza, ice cream and steak a girl could dream of.

But seriously, if you have vitamins or medications that you take frequently, you may want to bring enough with you. Some things can be really cheap here, but other things are extremely expensive. For instance, Lactaid equivalent tablets will cost you about US$1 per pill. I also brought plenty of Mucinex DM with me and OTC allergy medications.
Non argentine wine.

Argentine wine is great, I love it. But there is NOTHING ELSE, and after a while you're burning for a little bit of variety.
Sounds really silly, I've been here 12 years and what I am going to buy next time I'm out of Argentina is a dish washing brush. They don't sell them anywhere that I've been in BA. Yes, there are alternatives that clean just as well, but I find a dish washing brush just much handier. There you go, you asked! :)
I wished I'd brought $10.000 U$D in cold cash. You're allowed to take up to $10.000 U$D without declaring it.
Every time I use my CHASE card at the ATM machine I get charge more than 4.00 U$D a pop.