What If?


Sep 18, 2009
It seems the return of CFK has been postponed for a week, at least according to La Nacion.
To use an oft used word on this forum, I have always felt that something is 'fishy' about all this. I can't explain, it's just a feeling.
Neither do I wish bad health upon anyone.
We were talking about what would happen if CFK was unable, for whatever reason, most likely her health, if she was unable to fulfil her mandate as president.
The general reply was 'God forbid, it would be chaos'.
Presumably Boudou would take the throne, with the strings being pulled by Zannini et al.
Or is there anything in the constitution that calls for an early general election?
Very Clamy?

If CFK not there, Senadora Roitjes will take over! Boudou impeached :confused:

Chavez was right the CIA has developed a minibot to infect Presidents :D

See: Michael Crighton fiction Novel" Micro"
My guess is they'll keep this going as long as possible. I expect her to be back, but if they feel the bottom falling out, she may wait in the wings and see what happens. She and her posse are still running the show and I expect it to stay that way regardless of her health. Apart from Cristina's death, Boudou won't become president, ever. Just my conjecture.
Why are there so many "fishy" things going on in Argentina when the only fish that is widely available is deep fried merluza?