Who is Dan Perlmans Give me a break.... jjajajajaj I was several years, in the Chilean Sea Bass trade in California by container quantities. You go sell Grouper in California as Chilean Sea Bass may be? jajajaj
The Latin name for Patagonian toothfish is Dissostichus eleginoides. It is sold under the trade names Chilean sea bass in the USA; Merluza negra in Argentina, Peru and Uruguay; Legine australe in France; Mero, in Japan and Bacalao de profundidad in Chile.
The name "Chilean sea bass" was invented by a fish wholesaler named Lee Lantz in 1977. He was looking for a name that would make it attractive to the American market. He considered "Pacific sea bass" and "South American sea bass" before settling on "Chilean sea bass".[sup][2][/sup][sup][3][/sup] In 1994, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) accepted "Chilean sea bass" as an "alternative market name" for Patagonian toothfish.[sup][2][/sup]