What is seguro de caución de Finaer?


Feb 3, 2023
Google translate says it's some kind of surety insurance, but I don't know what that means or who to talk to about it. Also, is this another one that I'll need a DNI to get? I'm still working on that.
Also, is this another one that I'll need a DNI to get? I'm still working on that.
Si el SOLICITANTE (inquilino) no posee ingresos demostrables, podrá reforzar su Solicitud con la presentación adicional de uno (1) o más Co-Solicitantes.
It looks like you don't need a DNI, but you do need a co-signer for your lease, if you don't have verifiable Argentinean income.
It's the "insurance policy" that provides the "guarantee" that the rent will be paid for a long term rental (instead of providing another proprerty as collateral).

A garantia is not required for shout term rental..

Technically, you don't need a DNI to "buy" a guarantia and foreign income may be accepted as long as the monthy rent does not exceed 40% of the monthly income.

Apparently, some of the recent Russian arrivals have been able to do this, but many (if not most) are paying higher than "normal" rents without a garantia while they search for properites to buy.

I know an insurance agent you could ask about this, but I can't post their contact information here.
OP might be well past this point, but in case it's ever helpful to someone finding this post in the future: it seems like if you don't have local income or a co-signer you can pay a deposit of 6 months worth of rent to the company on top of the cost of the insurance that will get refunded at the end of the contract. This may vary depending on the garantía provider, but I have talked to at least one insurer that will do that.
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