What to bring to an as asado?


Jan 24, 2011
We have been invited to an asado this weekend, and are wondering what we should bring. Wine? Dessert? Nothing? Something else?

Anything else we should know about asados?

Whenever I am invited here, I always ask the hosts. Just so that I bring something that they need for the dinner/party. Always works well.
One time I was invited to an asado. They ended up splitting the bill at the end. I personally wouldn't invite people to my house for a BBQ and then ask to divide up the grocery bill, pero estamos en Argentina.
A bottle of wine is always welcome, but usually also an additional item for consumption (I tend to like salads or some veggies for the grill as asados are frequently lacking in anything green/fresh). As David said, your hosts will know best but even if they tell you "nothing" bring at least a bottle of wine.
MizzMarr, I think you nailed it for us. We were told to bring nothing, but I feel strange showing up empty-handed. We'll probably bring wine, and maybe a little side dish.
If you take a bottle of wine be sure it has a deep indentation in the bottom of the bottle (as opposed to being flat).

Trust me on this one.;)

For bonus points bring wine that is at least two years old (vintage 2009 at the latest)...and be sure it's red.
I always ask or offer something, for example picadas, desert or biscuits to go with the tea.

If you can't do that, take wine.
Agree with everyone above me. When in doubt, Malbec. And I've definitely been to a couple asados where I would have killed for some salad, and wished I would have brought it myself. Even if you're the only person who brings another food item, in my experience it is always appreciated. Don't think I've ever seen dessert--people are usually too full of carne!

As for what you do during, there's eating of course. When everyone is finished, you applaud the asador (the guy who cooked the meat). If there's a big yard, guys often end up kicking a soccer ball around. And of course, conversation. Have fun! It doesn't get much more Argentine than an asado in the (almost) springtime.
[quote name='Don'tMindMe']Don't think I've ever seen dessert--people are usually too full of carne!


Really?? About all the asados I ever went to there was lots of desert.... with lots of dulce de leche.:D
And when I (well my husband) organizes one, the offers to bring desert are always the first and most popular ones.
katti said:
Really?? About all the asados I ever went to there was lots of desert.... with lots of dulce de leche.:D
And when I (well my husband) organizes one, the offers to bring desert are always the first and most popular ones.

Oh man, I had no idea! Next time I'm bringing dessert! I make a mean chocolate cake. :D