Ben&Bliss said:I'm not disappointed in Obama, just in the American people. Any president will only do what the people push him to do, or allow him to do. Obama was elected through on the ground organizing, but these same people failed to keep him accountable once in the office.
I blame the democrats for being very poor politicians, and poor organizers. The right is always framing the issues, and they do their job well. If democrats better framed the healthcare debated, and organized for it, then we would have health insurance reform right now. I wish the left were strong enough to keep Obama from all of this pandering that has just ended up loosing the democrats their votes--not because they are going republican, as Scott Brown (MA) would have you think (again, republicans framing the debated), but because their president is more centrist then they find acceptable. But then, I suppose, they are culpable for that disappointment.
the american people are not to blame. the american people are the ones being lied to and manipulated by the corporate controlled mainstream press, which is controlled by the bankers, wall st. and the global elite.
Give the American people the truth then let them make a decision. Of course, we all know this would never happen. The goal of the power elite is to keep the American public mired in the false paradigm of right vs left - democrat vs republican - coke vs pepsi - cowboys vs redskins. while we're all so busy wasting our energies on left/right, the power elite are robbing us blind.
Someone else said it on this board - IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH OBAMA OR BUSH - they are only employees of the global elite and have never worked for the American people. Barack Obama is nothing more than a "brand" that was created by the ad wizards to emotionally appeal to the mass public, lowest common denominator in order to further the elitist agenda - nothing more.
THE AGENDA HAS STAYED THE SAME. NOTHING HAS CHANGED and nothing will change until the entire system is revamped. So please, all of you, stop wasting your precious time by worrying/complaining about democrat vs republican.