What's the reality of safety in Buenos Aires?

Been here since 2010.
Never actually seen a robbery in person.

On the other hand lots of family members have been victims of crime at some point, some more serious than others.

If you’re inside CABA I think the possibility of something violent happening to you are really pretty low.
My advice rent an AirbnB in Palermo for a month, then decide. No need to worry in the past 15 years never heard of major cases of violence, kidnapping, home invasion, and extortion.

However, I heard that some resto waiters spot an Iphone and Rolex on guests and alert their contacts around the block
Thanks @Rich One that is my plan.
considering there are over 300,000 asian argentines, at a bare minimum, and most live in Buenos Aires, there is no reason an asian person would "stick out". there are tens of thousands each of koreans, japanese, and chinese living here.
I see asian argentine every single day, I work within a few blocks of 5 or 6 asian restaurants, and pretty much every corner store is run by asians.
no worries there.
What "sticks out" is rolex watches, large expensive cameras, gigantic iphones, gold jewelry, mercedes cars and the like- ie, obvious signs of wealth.

day to day, BA is one of the safest cities I know. I have at various times in my life lived in Seattle, Halifax,Washington DC, Chicago, Mexico City, and LA.
I think BA is safer than any of them, for the average citizen or pedestrian.

I am 69. I walk everywhere, take the bus almost everyday, and have been to a lot of the poorer barrios, ranging from La Matanza to Flores to Villa Soldati and Avelleneda- all places its extremely unlikely you would ever go. Never a problem. I dont look rich, I have decent street smarts, and I have never been hassled, in 15 years of wandering greater BA.

Dont over think this.
Thanks @Ries that's good news. That answers another question on my mind, what is my wife going to eat? I'm super excited about Argentine food but my wife will starve if she doesn't get rice and spicy food :)
I'm moving to BA with my wife and 2 year old daughter. I am not worried about phone-snatchers and pick-pockets. More worried about violence, kidnapping, home invasion, and extortion. And specifically worried about being targeted because my wife is Asian and I am American. I imagine we will stick out.

I think many peoples perceptions of safety in places they have never been are wrong. I have a friend who gets his opinions from twitter/X telling me Argentina is not safe because the economy is bad, and that Columbia would be more safe. Crime stats seem to suggest the opposite.

What do you think? Any advice?
Buenos Aires is not as dangerous as Colombia or Mexico! Many expats live here and they report feeling very safe here in Caba! That is the central part of Buenos Aires. There are many provinces that are much safer anyway. Argentina is not only Buenos Aires!
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Thanks @Ries that's good news. That answers another question on my mind, what is my wife going to eat? I'm super excited about Argentine food but my wife will starve if she doesn't get rice and spicy food :)
For spicy food the only thing you can do is buy spices and sauces or bring one over that you like which is what I did you will barely find any spice in restaurants here sometimes asian cruisine restaurants but you have to find specific dishes that actually say its spicy even asking if they can make it spicy doesn't do much
I have never been to Colombia but just looking at stats and MANY reddit posts Argentina is nowhere near the danger level Colombia is at I am not sure why your friend said that lol
I have never been to Colombia but just looking at stats and MANY reddit posts Argentina is nowhere near the danger level Colombia is at I am not sure why your friend said that lol
Yea, I felt like what he was saying sounded wrong. He speaks Spanish, I don't. I think he was going off what he hears on Twitter/X.

Thanks for the feedback!
Thanks for all the replies! You guys are great! This has been very helpful, and I think other newcomers will also find it helpful.
Spicy food exists.
Mostly korean. Bi won, cancion de corea, mr. Ho, fa song song, nanum are all good, in various parts of town, ca ting is decent vietnamese, for ba. Lots of Chinese catering to chinese, spicy is available. Xi bei feng, or mian are both good. And you can go to flores, the big Korean neighborhood and there are tons of restaurants. Plus most ingredients are sold in barrio chino.