Where Can I Buy Borax?


Sep 12, 2005
We are having an issue with cockroaches in our apartment (EW!!) and nothing seems to work! I read online that mixing borax and sugar is supposed to help. Small problem is that I have no idea what borax is, what it might be called in spanish or where to buy it. Anyone have any idea? Thanks!
I thought apartments were legally required to fumigate? I can empathize, I HATE cockroaches.
Borax is used as a general household cleaner and laundry detergent additive. I have never seen it here, but haven't really looked either. In the U.S. it is usually sold in the laundry detergent section. According to Google translate its called Bórax here too. Good luck. If you find it let us know.
Yes I would buy it too. I tried to find baking soda in anything but tiny containers but I can't so far. I use it for cleaning and other things. If I were to complain about things here, one would be about everything being in little containers. I like to buiy bulk and have it on hand, not have to go shopping all the time.

Our apartment building has an exterminator that comes monthly. No roaches. I have seen one now and then (dead) after he has been here but it's rare and I had no clue I had a roach otherwise.
You can get big bags of both Borax (Bórax) and Baking Soda (Bicarbonato de Sódio) on Mercado Libre. I also got Bentonite Clay from the same vendor. As I recall, going to pick them up was a bit of a trek - unless you live near Flores, of course. There is also a place that sells this kind of stuff in the area a couple of blocks south of Corrientes and west of 9 de Julio, but I don't recall the name or the exact address.
Bicarbonato is available at any Chino Supermarket. Small bag 3 pesos aprox-

My building has serious cockroach infestation, despite the fact that the exterminator comes once a month.
I tried everything sugar mixed with bicarbonate, a special gel from the hardware, a spray can that creates a vicious fog, (must empty the apt,) Gamesan tablets that create a dense fog. The fog contaminates, clothing, bedding, china, etc.

Nothing works you must hire a different Exterminator and fumigate twice a month in the beginning then once a month The Guys that fumigate the building use water.... :D if they eliminate the roaches they would be OUT of Work.... :mad:
Bicarbonato is available at any Chino Supermarket

My building has serious cockroach infestation, despite the fact that the exterminator comes once a month.
I tried everything sugar mixed with bicarbonate, a special gel from the hardware, a spray can that creates a vicious fog, (must empty the apt,) Gamesan tablets that create a dense fog. The fog contaminates, clothing, bedding, china, etc.

Nothing works you must hire a different Exterminator and fumigate twice a month in the beginning then once a month The Guys that fumigate the building use water.... :D if they eliminate the roaches they would be OUT of Work.... :mad: I don't let them IN...!!
Cockroaches don't like bay leaves. Some friends living in the suburbs usually place bay leaves outside windows, under sofas and any other place out of view and or where roaches have been seen.
You can buy Borax (same name) in some ferreterias... One near me sold small quantities (250g) suitable for your ant or cockroach killing needs. But it was relatively pricey at about 90 pesos/kg.

If you are looking for more quantity you should try Quimica Oeste in Liniers www.quimicaoeste.com.ar

I got Borax for $7/kg, Boric Acid for $13/kg as well as sodium bicarb for $5/kg. I bought 5kg bags and I don't know if they sell smaller sizes but at those prices, you can buy a bit extra. They have other chemicals as well, just look on their website.

Anyone looking for common chemicals, this is the place. If you are buying anything dangerous (none of the above qualify) they will ask for a dni.

(I don't think sodium bicarbonate kills cockroaches but you can also find that for $25/kg at casa polti (the spice place) in Belgrano if you don't need too much and that's more convenient)
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