Where Can I Get Some Catnip ...

D.B. Cooper

Oct 7, 2012
Anybody know where i can find some catnip ???,.. I don't even know what it's called here.
I went into a Pet Store and asked for some grass for cats & the guy gave me the weirdest look like I had two heads.
I don't have a cat but want to yo give some to my neighbor's cats.
You can try:

Looks like they at least have carried it in the past. Giving you a fish is one thing - better I teach you how to fish ;-)
Here's the search technique I used, which has a few good tricks I have found over time here:

1. Search the word you want to translate in wikipedia, then on the left column look for the article in espanol. This is often *much* more accurate than trying to find a word on google translate.

In this case we get http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nepeta_cataria. There are a number of spanish terms, menta de gato, menta gatuna, albahaca de gatos, gatera, gataria y nébeda

2. Mercadolibre's search engine really sucks, so form your search words into a google search like so:
("menta de gato" OR "menta gatuna" OR "albahaca de gatos" OR gatera) site:articulo.mercadolibre.com.ar

You can use search tools/ time to get more recent publications, but in this case there weren't any very recent ads published.

3. Go to the vendors one by one. Look for a business name in the description. If there isn't one, click their reputation bar, then click the "Más datos del vendedor" link. If they are a regular seller, they will usually put their business name or some ID that you can google and find their contact information.

Good luck, and remember to tell those kitties to practice moderation!
They usually sell it in the little flower stalls you find on the sidewalk and in all garden centres (viverias)

Hierba para gatos it's called
My kitties informed that hierba para gatos is different. That is just a digestive grass, good to have around because it keeps them from eating things they shouldn't like houseplants and shoelaces, but it doesn't get them stoned.
There was a cute little pet store on Borges close to Santa Fe that sold imported pet supplies and dried cat nip last time I checked. But that was a couple years back.
I too have found it very had to come by in BsAs. I always ended up with hierba de gata, which is just the digestive grass. I'm back in the states for the next several months, but I've left some catnip seeds with my girlfriend. If you're interested in growing your own, I could ask her if she still has any and is willing to share. PM me if so.
Thank you all !!!! It never occurred to me to look it up in Mercadolibre... Good call.
Looking forward to getting some cats happy ! :p
I learned from a pet store owner that catnip in its common dried form is ILLEGAL .. But you can buy a liquid spray ("eau de catnip"?) that my cat has tried and has given it his good housekeeping stamp of approval...