Where to watch socceroos match tomorrow in BA?


Jun 12, 2010
Hey! So excited about the Worldcup!
About me: I am "porteña", born in Buenos Aires. Love travelling most of all in life. Lived in London and in Australia. Work as an International Business Development Manager for an Aussie company located in Burleigh.
I enjoy a lot spending my time with people from the world who is happening to be visiting or living in my country.
Hanging out with locals is always the best experience when travelling.
So I am open to meet people through this site!

Two more things:
1) Tomorrow I am planning to support the socceroos at Gibraltar in San Telmo or Casabar in Recoleta..(havent make up my mind yet) Will go with 3 other argies girlfriends. If there is an Aussie reading this...and would love to join us! My email is [email protected]

2) Also, I am planning a snowboard trip to the South by the end of August for a week.
Thinking of renting a Cabin for 8. So whoever want to apply for the trip let me know, we coordinate to meet up for a drink and talk about it!
Cheers Mates!