Which One Are You?

Was an English teacher, but evolved into Turismo. I guess if I blogged as well, that would put me in the last category. But as of yet, I don't.

Though I have gone back and forth on Costa Rica from near Armenia to the corner of Thames more than a couple of times in my stay, but my Armenia days are behind me and even Thames can feel a bit awkward at times.

(And no Ivy League document on my wall. That would be my brother's wall.)
Honestly, and apoplogies if he is on here or anyone knows him, but if this guy is a comedian I am the Dalai Lama.

He forgot a category: "Unfunny douchebag (wanker for you Brits) who writes articles for the Independent. Has lived here 1-2 years and thinks he knows all expats because he is the center of the universe. Speaks enough Spanish to say he speaks Spanish, yet still reads Dean Koontz novels (or Harry Potter) in English."

See, it's easy to write long-winded, humorless (humourless for you Brits) prose!
Oh, come on...I thought it was funny. Although I admit I don't fit into any of the categories. Perhaps a little bit of 1 and 4, but then there's a whole lot missing.