Which Tv Celebrity Annoys You The Most?


Apr 28, 2014
Or should I just let it go? The problem is even just skimming quickly past channels I find myself wanting to launch my laptop out the window upon seeing Rial´s face of mock concern and deep thought for the most trivial of invented issues such as was Moria justified in calling Susana and old has been? I know its theatre but Christ on rollerblades is this where we are at? We can do better than this people!
I don't have a TV but when I happen to watch it at someone else's place it is worse than in Italy, where Berlusconi's circus leads the way. Plus the ladies are totally disfigured by plastic surgery.

Argie telly is like Jersey Shores.
´They call me 'The Situation'. You wanna know why? Cos everywhere I go I cause a situation'
Argie TV? All of them! The wife watches these shows that are SO LOUD (you know the ones where people are talking, talking, talking non-stop and increasingly loudly; about subject that really don't matter, or the people involved are clearly not qualified to speak on )!

And the director and cameraman must be horny teenagers since the camera flickers between the "well placed" vedettes... and whats with all the crying?!?! :p

At least now there's Southpark :D
Have to agree Rial in on top of the list followed by Ventura , both are now on the mat almost KO , can understand however some may feel pleasure in watching them destroyed!
I am bothered by Rial, Ventura, Tinelli, Pettinato and several others but there are some I enjoy!All countries have mostly Crappy tv! Czech OMG! USA WORSE!
one just must learn to choose!
Every time I watch a Latin female host in any given T.V. show, it always amaze me how they can pronounce the " R " sound.
I can't roll my tongue hard enough to even to the slightest of that sound emanating from my mouth !
I tried to watch Arg tv but gave up, only football I bother watching. What gets me, and this maybe my wifes channel choice. But on the morning news channels they never show anything that happends outside of BA on the news. The other week the rest of the world was watching in shock the Malaysian plane crash, and on Argentine news tv all they were interested in was Maradonas ex-wife had been caught for stealing some jewellery.WTF :eek: :eek: :eek:
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