Who cooks at home now, more?


Sep 18, 2009
I wanted to do a poll on this but couldn't work that out.
Used to eat out about twice a week,over the last few years.
Now we eat out once in a blue moon and we cook at home much more.
It's cheaper and you generally know what you're going to get at the end, lol.
It's my wife's birthday soon and much as I would like to throw a choripan party for her, her family and closest friends, we simply can't afford it; which in itself is hard to believe.
This isn't a rant about inflation (yawn), just simple domestic facts about living here, or for that matter anywhere else, as far as I can see.
So in the end it might just have to be a chori and a Quilmes a trois.
Cooking at home is the only way to go. I take my 15% off coupon to Disco (manaña !!) and shop till I drop. I have zillions of recipes. Ms or Mr. Google can provide an unlimited number of recipes for your favorite foods. Look for recipes that are simple to make and require the least amount of ingredients. There is no reason to go out to eat, except occasionally with friends. For the price of one meal in a greasy spoon, you count eat at home for a week.
We still eat out on occasion but our group of "reliable" restaurants is getting smaller and smaller and I just cannot bring myself to try anything new as I'm usually disappointed 80% of the time. I find cooking from scratch every day and working full time pretty exhausting but we're doing it more and more these days (especially trying to make the most of a decent selection of seasonal vegetables).
Interestingly enough, we're going back to the UK for Christmas and are hosting an Argentine asado for my family on Xmas day. We ordered the meat online from a UK supplier of Argentine grass-fed beef and although the actual cuts of beef were about 30% more expensive than here, the chorizos were about 20% cheaper!
if you are tight on food money there are groupons, daily specials, menu ejecutivo, half off days and the like, I love to eat out and I do so almost daily even if it means cutting down on other things, cooking at home is not crazy cheap either, my chino's vegetable guy is such a rip off I feel they should start taking credit cards.
Agreed, I go out maybe once every 2 weeks now. We cook at home the rest of the time.

It's not the money for me so much as that amount of money for not great quality food. The reliable restaurant pool as ashley mentioned, has been shrinking and even places where the food used to be really good, I find it is now just okay.

So we go to the butcher, fruit/veggie guy/etc to get better quality stuff and just prepare it at home.
Restaurants are still the better options for dinner parties as the cost of cooking a "from scratch," meal for six adults kind of cuts into your go to the restaurant once or twice a fornight fund.
We're really enjoying learning how to cook with a parilla and mud oven. Like everyone else we're tired of bad restaurants and unhealthy options. We do have a small handful of places we still go.

We're big fans of Quinta Fresca delivery for vegetables and fruits of far better quality than we've seen anywhere else. Produce is still a bargain here compared to where we live in California. So is lomo. But pretty much everything else I can think of is now more expensive here.
Once every weekend, we go out for lunch (salads at Tea Connection or a cafe in Palermo)... and that's IT. Aside from the prices and mediocre service (yesterday, I once again had to send back my order after the kitchen forgot I'd requested, "no cheese"), my desire to dine out has been squashed by the realization that anything I make at home will be way better (and guaranteed to be served exactly how I want it.) We recently attempted yellow Indian curry for the first time, and it turned out awesome! I've been having a lot of fun trying new recipes that I never would have bothered with back in the US (breakfast crepes, whole-grain breads, hummus/dips, ethnic cuisine...)
I cook a lot, and anything, at home, all cuisines and usually big portions but I still eat out at least 5 times a week, especially lunch at work.
I just made a spicy veggie and chicken stir-fry wok with brown rice on Saturday and I have one portion left of it.
Yesterday had asado for 13 people but half the meat we did not even cook so I have almost 2kg of bife de lomo and bife de chorizo left.
That only means tonight will be fajita night :) The rest I will cut and free for stir fry and fajitas..