Why is the President of Argentina staying in a 4 star hotel?

which is why I dont know anyone, Argentine or expat, who is against getting rid of noquis. Firing actual employees who work, however, is a different thing- like the 90% of the employees of the Museo del Hombre, and the literally thousands of other employees who are in line for firing.
Much like the US republicans making sure the IRS is consistently understaffed, so they wont audit rich people. Getting rid of all government employees is a libertarian wet dream, but it has never worked in the real world.
Or kind of like other us administrations that overstaff the IRS so everyone gets audited and found out to be in some violation or other and prosecuted
which is why I dont know anyone, Argentine or expat, who is against getting rid of noquis. Firing actual employees who work, however, is a different thing- like the 90% of the employees of the Museo del Hombre, and the literally thousands of other employees who are in line for firing.
Much like the US republicans making sure the IRS is consistently understaffed, so they wont audit rich people. Getting rid of all government employees is a libertarian wet dream, but it has never worked in the real world.
many of these were recently hired workers which the govt brought on in spite of its own hiring freeze.
Or kind of like other us administrations that overstaff the IRS so everyone gets audited and found out to be in some violation or other and prosecuted
I have only been filing with the IRS since about 1972, and havent been audited or prosecuted yet, so I am sure they will soon be knocking on my door. Last year, the IRS estimates that $600 Billion of legally owed taxes were not paid, and they didnt have the staff to enforce payment. I think the balance of cheats versus persecuted libertarians is very much tilted towards the cheaters...
All the studies I can find online estimate that the actual number of real noquis is pretty small. Depending on the study, between 200,000 and a million. And most are in government jobs that pay maybe $500USD a month. Milei claims be firingf 30,000 in the next few months.
In terms of actual government expenditures, its not a huge amount, its just one of those things that really irritates conservatives.
Very very few of them make enough to go to MDQ, much less Miami.

Some government employees in 'government jobs' are making much more than $500 a month....
Some government employees in 'government jobs' are making much more than $500 a month....
Noquis is a word that means no show patronage employees. It does not mean ALL government employees.
Noquis is a word that means no show patronage employees. It does not mean ALL government employees.
I know what it means, and I am referring to 'noquis' that are making close to $1,000 a month. I know one of them, and Milei is trying to reduce their salary right now with legislation.
He’s been paying the hotel out of his own pocket and was living there during the campaign as well. A strange guy with strange preferences it seems…

I suspect he is getting exceptionally low rates at that former Sheraton and grossly dated hotel as it is now getting more free publicity and “prestige” than it could ever otherwise dream of getting.
Milei hasn't paid a penny for the Hotel . The Owner Mr. Elztain , very very rich , let's him stay there for free. Not one room but many rooms plus conference rooms. The Opposition objects claiming is a gift with strings attached..! and is penalized by Law..?

All the studies I can find online estimate that the actual number of real noquis is pretty small. Depending on the study, between 200,000 and a million. And most are in government jobs that pay maybe $500USD a month.
So in your world, 1.2 billion to 6 billion dollars a year of wasted government expenditures is not a huge amount, and you think that only irritates conservatives?