pauper said:No, the lesbian in the tin foil hat.
An angry lesbian at that.cabrera said:Listen you repressed fag if makes not one iota of difference if I am a lesbian .
ghost said:An angry lesbian at that.[/quote
You are a woman hater !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cabrera said:You and Starlucia are easily shocked considering that you come from the most hypocritical country on earth .
Starlucia were you shocked by the million iraqi people that have been killed by your war USA based on lies ?
esllou said:Ah, Cabrera's back. So, can someone tell me how the US/Iran war is going. Haven't heard a lot about it in the local media, but, well, I presume it's raging as we speak.
cabrera said:You and Starlucia are easily shocked considering that you come from the most hypocritical country on earth .
Starlucia were you shocked by the million iraqi people that have been killed by your war USA based on lies ?