wikileaks and argentina...

We call it corruption if it happens to another country. If it happens here in USA, we call it lobbying.
It's unpunished here to! Congress couldn't exist if it wasn't for corruption. They're all lawyers for God's sake!
cabrera said:
Listen you repressed fag if makes not one iota of difference if I am a lesbian .
An angry lesbian at that.
nooo - the boys are all just jealous that Cabrera gets catcalls from women on the street and they don't;)

It made me laugh - please, even the local papers weren't exactly condemning the US for the cables. Corruption exists? I mean really, I would have been more shocked to read diplomatic cables saying otherwise:rolleyes:
cabrera said:
You and Starlucia are easily shocked considering that you come from the most hypocritical country on earth .

Starlucia were you shocked by the million iraqi people that have been killed by your war USA based on lies ?

Remember your promise to close your account and never post here again if Iran was not attacked by September 2010? In case you have forgotten:

"To the loudmouths on the site who have nothing better to do but hire prostitutes or compare pizzas will you get off your high horses when Iran is attacked and it will be soon. Does it matter that the article comes from Prison Planet if this is the truth of the matter. OPEN YOUR EYES SHEEPIES

If it is not by the end of September 2010 I will close my account and never write here again PROMISE."
Ah, Cabrera's back. So, can someone tell me how the US/Iran war is going. Haven't heard a lot about it in the local media, but, well, I presume it's raging as we speak.
esllou said:
Ah, Cabrera's back. So, can someone tell me how the US/Iran war is going. Haven't heard a lot about it in the local media, but, well, I presume it's raging as we speak.

You are obviously a sheepie. :)
cabrera said:
You and Starlucia are easily shocked considering that you come from the most hypocritical country on earth .

Starlucia were you shocked by the million iraqi people that have been killed by your war USA based on lies ?

WTF? This loony is like the Lost Tribe of Israel guys who used to scream at me in Union Square that the white man was raping his daughters. Yawn.
I think there is corruption in every country in the world. The Argentinians have just industrialized it and made it on a much larger scale than most.