Many here believe that the world economic situation will affect prices of Real Estate in Argentina and up to now that has not shown itself to be true.
The market here is 80 percent cash and family owned . There are few people with mortgages meaning less desperate sellers. Many sellers now are pricing their properties above market rates and waiting for a sale. In some areas this has become ridiculuos especially Palermo Soho and San Telmo.
I believe that properties will increase in price as demand in Buenos Aires is high and supply is low due to the new laws from AFIP implemented in the beginning of 2008.
Since the crash in the USA of the last week more dollars have been transferred into Argentina than for many many years. Overseas Argentines are scared to hold onto their assets in United States and Europe and are bringing back their money to reinvest in Argentina which for them may be a safer bet .
A lot of that investment will be in Real Estate as in a country like Argentina it has been the most reliable and safest purchase.