Wire Money Out Of Argentina


Jan 2, 2015
Hello everybody!

I'm Jose from Ecuador, brand new here. I don´t actually live in Argentina. I´ve been in and out becasue there is this business idea I would like to turn into an actual business. If this works I will be in and out permanently. The only issue stopping me from starting the business is how can I convert the money I make in Argentina into dollars and wire them out of the country. Had a meeting with a lawyer in december in Buenos Aires and he explained to me this mechanism where you buy stock in ARG and then sell it in Wall Street and get te dollar in a U.S. account and I thought that would be my solution but apparently AFIP is limiting this a lot more.
I've heard that there are Cuevas that will wire money from another account abroad and take your money but I just dont know where to find one and specially one I can trust.

If any body can help me out I would really appreciate that!

PD. I´ll be back in Argentina in February. Anybody wanna go out fro drinks and like music ?
Jos, you have hit upon one of the biggest problems with doing business in Argentina as a foreigner (importing/exporting being right up there as well).

The buying and selling of stocks is actually one of the primary ways that cuevas do their business. Because of the government's intervention, the prices to receive money (I believe it's more to send out, but am not sure) have gone from about 1-1.5% of the amount to around 4-6% with a minimum of something like $300 USD cost.

See my post (and the whole thread) for a little more on this and possible ways: http://baexpats.org/...10#entry290596.

Particularly, in my post I mention people here needing money coming in can make deals with people like you would be needing to get money out. Hell, if you get things going and start making money, I'd be interested in talking to you about it. I bet Tom would too :)
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