Wisdom teeth removal in BA?


Dec 19, 2008
Dear BA Expats,

I'm only a few weeks away from landing in BA; the excitement is setting in. :)

There's a long list of things that I'd like to accomplish before I leave, and I'm starting look at what I can take off the list and do in BA instead.

One of the pressing to-do items is having my wisdom (molar) teeth removed, and I've found quite a good dental surgeon up here in Canada, and the cost will be about $1200 CAD.

I had heard that the dental care in BA is also quite good, and perhaps I could have the surgery done in BA. So, my questions are:

- Have any of you had this surgery done in BA?
- If so, what was your experience? And what was the cost?
- Would you recommend a specific dental surgeon? Or are they quite easy to find?

Many thanks in advance. This forum has been a huge help in my preparations to date!


Hola, Phillip:

I don´t think it will be a problem to find a godd surgeon in Bs As. ´My own doctor, whose name is Maria de los Ángeles Luchezzi,is very good. I don´t know the price of that surgery but it would be certainly cheaper than in Canada.
Her telephone is: 011 4822 4788. My own TE is 15 6696 2255

Good luck, have a good trip to Argentina.

phillipadsmith said:
Dear BA Expats,

I'm only a few weeks away from landing in BA; the excitement is setting in. :)

There's a long list of things that I'd like to accomplish before I leave, and I'm starting look at what I can take off the list and do in BA instead.

One of the pressing to-do items is having my wisdom (molar) teeth removed, and I've found quite a good dental surgeon up here in Canada, and the cost will be about $1200 CAD.

I had heard that the dental care in BA is also quite good, and perhaps I could have the surgery done in BA. So, my questions are:

- Have any of you had this surgery done in BA?
- If so, what was your experience? And what was the cost?
- Would you recommend a specific dental surgeon? Or are they quite easy to find?

Many thanks in advance. This forum has been a huge help in my preparations to date!


Hi Hugo,

Many thanks for the information. Do you know anyone who has had the operation done in BA that could speak to the cost, etc.?

Hola, Phillip:

I don´t know anyone who as had the operation.But if you want I can ask Dr. Luchezzi herself. I am sure she can give you the price or at least more information about the operation.
Tell me if I can help you in any way.
Hi Phillip,

I can recommend a good dentist that works with a surgeon in his office. He's some 30 minutes from the district but it's worth the trip and I'm sure the price of the procedure will be much lower than in Canada. His name is Dr Grandoli and the e-mail is mgdentist@yahoo.com.ar.

Best wishes and enjoy your stay in Argentina!

Hi Phillip

I underwent that operation 1 year ago, and altough the dental association is closed
I can give you the cell phone of the dentist that has performed it, I can assure you that is was quite complicated in my case and had no problem at all, also because I followed step by step what I've been recommended. And the dentist himself has called to check if I had any problem.

If you think that you still need to consult another opinion
feel free to call to my cell phone 15 40 62 91 65
or 48 13 10 43 and I'll be glad to give you the surgeons name and phone number.

Maria Teresa