Womens Expat therapy group

Jul 24, 2010
Hi there everyone,

I am posting this because I have decided to start a womens group therapy, twice a week for an hour-which will take place thursdays at 7pm and tuesdays at 7pm
self explanatory that only women can attend this group in particular, and any topic can be discussed- anxiety, depression, relationship issues.
The groups will be structured and led by myself, I am an experienced psychologist and have worked in the priory hospital group in the uk taking group therapy.
The cost per person will be 25 pesos and everyone will be given an opportunity to share and can welcome advice from both the psychologist and other group members (although cross sharing is not allowed, and must be constructive) So that everyone has an opportunity to share their issues, numbers are limited.

We will also be starting a group (when there are more attendants) on anxiety/depression/relapse prevention (mixed sex) a group on Trauma (death, divorce, attacks etc..) and addictions group (drugs, alcohol, gambling, eating disorders, sex addiction) and of course a men's group. The price of the groups is the same per person for any group 25 pesos, which is especially helpful if you feel you cannot afford private sessions with a psychologist
Please contact me via email if interested or send me a private message
[email protected]
I look forward to hearing from you!