Xenophobia in Buenos Aires


Jun 20, 2006
This is a topic that I am sure that is affecting many expats in Buenos Aires and with the quarantine it seems that common decency and respect have gone out of the window Some of the stories i have read online and personally have left even me surprised . From foreigners being denied entry into supermarkets and pharmacies and agressive neighbours attacking anything foreign . The most outrageous case is a couple that have been recieving hiuman feces on their doorstep they believe due to them using the stairwell to do some exercise .

This disease originated in China and now its in Argentina . To blame expats , tousists , and argentinians returning hime is short sighted and cruel , This anger is misdirected in my opinion and only creates fear and paranoia . All neighbours citizens and non citizens to Argentina alike deserve to be treated correctly and the media here must educate everyone to act civil in the biggest crisis in Argentinian history .
Preaching to the Choir.
People are ignorant. Really, really ignorant. And they take too many shortcuts when it comes to think things though.

Same as our politicians are not brought from another planet but are the product of our society. I´d venture the same shit people and not particularly bright but slightly more morally chalenged.
This is the way of our society. We are corrupt in so many unspeakable ways... Corrupt thinking is just another way of life.

Same goes for those morons who don´t know better than ignore the quarantine to go do some seriuosly stupid things.
Or the desperate elderly who went to a slaughter party the other day and will likely sent the contagion numbers through the roof in the coming months.
Those who allowed and organized this silent extermination are guilty of the forthcoming deaths and complications.

Wheterver sacrifices were made before friday were in vain.
People are deadly ignorant.

Media is making a feast of all of this. Their work is served, already provided by the situation. Only need to look outside and tel what they observe or don´t. Just the surface is plenty enough.

God knows what the hell is going on underneath. We are no longer paying attention.

Haven't experienced any personally but I have heard sentiments from others.
Interested to know where you read the stories online, can you say?
i haven't experienced any problems. i am quite sure my local mini market is happy to have me given the amount of money i spend there buying groceries :)
Anyone who knew there was a pandemic yet travelled anyway deserves worse than just criticism.
@ventanilla thing is it's hard to differentiate between someone who traveled recently and a longer term expat. So blanket xenophobia is just silly/ignorant.

Most people wanting to come back are Argentinians who have been overseas for years and now due to losing their jobs and being under a strict lockdown as is the case of Peru . Ecuador , and Bolivia they want to return home . They are not tourists and all they want is to return home to be with their families . There are over 500 Argentinians stuck in Guayaquil Ecuador with many now living on the streets . As we all know this is the epicentre of the coronavirus and the hospital system in now collapsed . These people should be rescued and put under strict quarantine in Argentina for at least 14 days if not more . To leave them abandoned in a war like situation is against the principles of basic human rights that every country abides to .
Most people wanting to come back are Argentinians who have been overseas for years and now due to losing their jobs and being under a strict lockdown as is the case of Peru . Ecuador , and Bolivia they want to return home . They are not tourists and all they want is to return home to be with their families . There are over 500 Argentinians stuck in Guayaquil Ecuador with many now living on the streets . As we all know this is the epicentre of the coronavirus and the hospital system in now collapsed . These people should be rescued and put under strict quarantine in Argentina for at least 14 days if not more . To leave them abandoned in a war like situation is against the principles of basic human rights that every country abides to .
Excellent points! Thanks, Perry.
Anyone who knew there was a pandemic yet travelled anyway deserves worse than just criticism.

I think you are forgetting the actual timeline of how fast this happened. I went to a birthday party on the 24th of Feb here in Argentina and I was talking about how I was worried about the coronavirus and the medical and economic problems that were to come. Everyone looked at me like I was a crazy conspiracy theory nut case. And really it was logical how they thought on that date. On Feb 20, there were only 4 coronavirus cases in Italy, and on Feb 24 there were only 3 cases in Spain. At that time, it looked like it was a strange outbreak that had happened in the interior of China, that had not even caused a quarantine in Beijing or Shanghai.

Then things started moving at lightning speed. On March 3, Argentina got it's first coronavirus case. March 5, Aerolineas Argentinas ordered the cancelation of all flights to Italy. March 11, it was announced a quarantine of 14 days for anyone coming from certain countries, and that it was considering stopping all flights from Italy. March 12, government announced the suspension of all flights from Europe, US, China and Japan. March 19, national quarantine announced.

This happened at lightning speed. Exponential growth takes us all by surprise. Someone could easily have traveled at the end of February or beginning of March and would have been acting reasonably taking that trip. Now in April sitting comfortably in our armchairs watching Netflix we can criticize Argentines that have gotten stranded abroad, some in dire situations, as irresponsible travelers only concerned about themselves, and that they "deserve worse than criticism". But it's rewriting history. That's not what happened to the vast majority of people stranded abroad.