Your Argentine Accent In The Us. Feel Strange?

One thing about speaking Argentinean Spanish for 10 years--I cannot speak in the Ud form. Whenever I have to I mess up and end up switching to vos (but because I learned tu in school, I can switch to that, although it is a bit awkward for me).
I never call anyone ud--I found that most people don´t mind, even one doctor thanked me for it (she said getting called ud is makes her feel like a grandma), and I never really liked the concept of it. Sometimes I have to use it, and I always mess it up.

My argentine husband just about got in a fight with the man at the hardware shop last night. Says he was an older man, and when my husband entered and asked for some screws, the guy got angry because he didn't usted him, he was old enough to be his grandfather deserves the respect of an usted etc etc.