Anybody Up For An Expat Scientology Coffee Morning?


May 21, 2011

Would any of you expats be interested in a Scientology coffee morning where we can discuss the scientology philosophy and how it can help us become excellent human beings?

Would be great to kick this off before I head to Madrid.

Just checking this isn't a troll posting.

Musicman has previously expressed an interest in expat Scientology "meetups" in BA.

Any Expat Scientology Meet Ups In Ba?

From the thread:

My business friends in the US tell me that Scientology is the fastest and most efficient way to achieve spiritual development and is more aligned to the needs of Americans in the 21st century. The Scientology church in BA comes highly recommended and I kind of hoped the more progressive expats here would be interested. I haven't included this in my monthly spend because its free.

While it appears that Musicman wants to learn more about Scientology, just posting this doesn't mean he really has a sincere desire to do so any more than posting that he ever had a Ferrari or now has a Porsche....or is a multimillionaire who owns apartments in BA and is moving to Madrid makes it true.

So, since he's the one who suggested the "coffee morning" and also implied that he is in BA, I suggest as many expats as possible sign up for the meeting as soon as Musicman indicates the time and place.

If he doesn't show or even chickens out of setting up the meeting, we will be able to draw the obvious conclusions.

PS: I realize that the number of individuals who really want to discus Scientology are small but if Musicman is really about to hit what some (those which prior experience with Scientology) would consider a sour note in his spiritual development, I' hope they would be willing to share their experiences with him...and if anyone's life has been improved by Scientology, they would be able to tell their stories as well.

PS2: My guess it would just be a normal coffee chat because I don't think the pied piper will will make an appearance.
I wouldn't want to attend this meeting for fear of offending genuinely nice people with my strong view that Scientology is a cult designed to rip people off and that there is tremendous evidence for believing this view from many former long-time scientologists (not least those interviewed in 'Going Clear'). Anyone wanting to advance their sense of spirituality should steer clear of this con scheme.
Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Chick Corea, Issac Hayes, et al are all famous followers of Scientology and would never be duped by a bogus organization. Indeed they attest to its benefits for your development and to free us all from the wrath of Xenu. We will announce the location and date for the meet up shortly. A small financial donation to the organization will be expected also.

Paradise is whatever you dream for yourself.
Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Chick Corea, Issac Hayes, et al are all famous followers of Scientology and would never be duped by a bogus organization. Indeed they attest to its benefits for your development and to free us all from the wrath of Xenu. We will announce the location and date for the meet up shortly. A small financial donation to the organization will be expected also.

Paradise is whatever you dream for yourself.

And there it is. When you mention Xenu to a true Scientologist, they head for the hills threatening to call the lawyers. It's actually forbidden to mention that name to outsiders.