Bitso app to pay in stores using QR codes at the blue rate


Oct 31, 2022
Hey, thought I’d share this app I’ve been using to pay for things at the blue/cripto rate and has been working very well for me.

Bitso is a crypto virtual wallet that lets you pay with QR code in stores in Argentina using USD stablecoins.

For those that don’t know, USD stablecoin is pegged to the USD so isnt volatile like other crypto currencies.

Bitso uses the “dolar cripto” rate, which more or less follows the blue/MEP/CCL rates etc.

Today it converts at approx 322 per dollar with the fees (3%).

You download the app, deposit USD and then simply pay for things in store using QR codes as if it were Mercadopago or Modo.

It’s “interoperable”, meaning it works with all QR codes..

Avoid telling the cashier its Bitso as they’ll likely scoff and shout “solo Mercadopago”. Just say your paying with Mercadopago and it works fine, but takes maybe 5-10 seconds longer to process, but the payment will go through on their machine.

No DNI needed as its international so works if you’re a tourist. You’ll just need data on your phone.

You can deposit upto $185 without verifying your address (overseas adress in this case) and pay smaller amounts.

Then $750 per month and pay higher amounts when you submit a recent bank statement with overseas address.

The highest amount I’ve been able to pay so far was $16,000 which was approx $50 the other day.

I don’t work for Bitso and not on commission or anything 😂 just wanted to share it as it saves a lot of time and hassle going to Western Unions.

With Bitso and the new rate for foreign visa cards, I barely used cash in December so didn’t mess about wasting time going to WUs or carrying around piles of 1000 pesos notes.

As I’m a little nervous with the crypto industry right now I’ve been depositing small amounts of USD to minimise risk.

Hope you find this useful. Enjoy!
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Can you deposit Tether USDT to Argentine or US Bitso account? Or you need to buy it from them?
Who let you post an ad here for this?
I write ads for a living, so if my post reads like one that’s why. Just how I write.

As I mentioned, it’s not an ad. Just me being helpful to fellow expats and tourists who are finding it tedious and increasingly harder to get cash at Western Unions etc.

They aren’t bringing out a higher denomination bill anytime soon, so WU cash collection is only going to get harder and harder.

And those wallets and pockets are going to being bulging very soon.

Hardly anyone knows about bitso hence I shared. Sorry for being helpful 🤷‍♂️
Hey thanks, this is great. Should I register my account as if I'm living in Argentina or should I just say United States? (I have banking statements from BOFA)
Hey thanks, this is great. Should I register my account as if I'm living in Argentina or should I just say United States? (I have banking statements from BOFA)
Best to use international, as I guess registering it in Argentina will likelt mean limits and restrictions etc
Hey, thought I’d share this app I’ve been using to pay for things at the blue/cripto rate and has been working very well for me.

Bitso is a crypto virtual wallet that lets you pay with QR code in stores in Argentina using USD stablecoins.

For those that don’t know, USD stablecoin is pegged to the USD so isnt volatile like other crypto currencies.

Bitso uses the “dolar cripto” rate, which more or less follows the blue/MEP/CCL rates etc.

Today it converts at approx 322 per dollar with the fees (3%).

You download the app, deposit USD and then simply pay for things in store using QR codes as if it were Mercadopago or Modo.

It’s “interoperable”, meaning it works with all QR codes..

Avoid telling the cashier its Bitso as they’ll likely scoff and shout “solo Mercadopago”. Just say your paying with Mercadopago and it works fine, but takes maybe 5-10 seconds longer to process, but the payment will go through on their machine.

No DNI needed as its international so works if you’re a tourist. You’ll just need data on your phone.

You can deposit upto $185 without verifying your address (overseas adress in this case) and pay smaller amounts.

Then $750 per month and pay higher amounts when you submit a recent bank statement with overseas address.

The highest amount I’ve been able to pay so far was $16,000 which was approx $50 the other day.

I don’t work for Bitso and not on commission or anything 😂 just wanted to share it as it saves a lot of time and hassle going to Western Unions.

With Bitso and the new rate for foreign visa cards, I barely used cash in December so didn’t mess about wasting time going to WUs or carrying around piles of 1000 pesos notes.

As I’m a little nervous with the crypto industry right now I’ve been depositing small amounts of USD to minimise risk.

Hope you find this useful. Enjoy!
Thank you for the information you posted. I downloaded the Bitso app and have hit a wall with using it for payments here in Argentina. First, I was able to establish an account and transfer $20 of USDT from another wallet into Bitso. When I attempted to use the payment feature with QR code the app asked me to verify my address here in Argentina. Unfortunately, it asked for some form of proof of my address and mentioned that said document should be no more than 3 months old. After attempting to complete the ID and address verification process I received several emails from Bitso saying that they couldn't verify my DNI but I don't have a DNI, I sent a picture of my US passport. I also received the following message from a representative at Bitso:

Dear Eric,

As per our terms and conditions we are unable to service US nationals or US residents.

Therefore we need to confirm with you the following:
  1. Indicate your current residence:
  2. Do you constantly travel to the USA?
  3. Do you have citizenship or a permanent resident card (Green Card)?
  4. Do you pay taxes in the United States?

Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.



Any suggestions on how I may be going wrong here?
Thank you for the information you posted. I downloaded the Bitso app and have hit a wall with using it for payments here in Argentina. First, I was able to establish an account and transfer $20 of USDT from another wallet into Bitso. When I attempted to use the payment feature with QR code the app asked me to verify my address here in Argentina. Unfortunately, it asked for some form of proof of my address and mentioned that said document should be no more than 3 months old. After attempting to complete the ID and address verification process I received several emails from Bitso saying that they couldn't verify my DNI but I don't have a DNI, I sent a picture of my US passport. I also received the following message from a representative at Bitso:

Dear Eric,

As per our terms and conditions we are unable to service US nationals or US residents.

Therefore we need to confirm with you the following:
  1. Indicate your current residence:
  2. Do you constantly travel to the USA?
  3. Do you have citizenship or a permanent resident card (Green Card)?
  4. Do you pay taxes in the United States?

Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.



Any suggestions on how I may be going wrong here?
I jus checked on their website, and it list the US as a country they cannot serve :/

Maybe that's why Bitso isn't that well known here. I hope they can roll it out to you soon.

That said, you only need to verify your address to deposit more than $180 USD. I registered as an international use of Bitso and was able to use it fine. This was two months ago, so may it has changed since.

I'm from the UK so used all my relevant UK suff.
Joins the ranks of lemoncash and binance. Tools not available to eeuus