Supermarket Arg vs Spain


Mar 25, 2007
Has anyone been to Spain recently? Or is someone who reads this forum living there? I have heard that Madrid's supermarkets are now cheaper than Argentina's. Does anyone have first hand experience?
We split time between
Go on any supermarket in Spain’s website and have a look yourself?
I'll let you know about prices in Turin in a couple months. But I suspect same as last winter. Fairly reasonable. Very nice city.
Has anyone been to Spain recently? Or is someone who reads this forum living there? I have heard that Madrid's supermarkets are now cheaper than Argentina's. Does anyone have first hand experience?
Not everything is cheaper, but nothing is much more expensive. But a lot of things are cheaper, or at least there are cheaper options, considered worse quality, but still surpassing Argentinian quality. When you put purchasing power in the mix, it's just crazy. Energy and water are still much more expensive in Spain, rent also, of course, but technical stuff is way cheaper. Argentina under the line is still cheaper country to live, if you have fix income, in my opinion.