Recent content by amcarey

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    Any Idea Where To Get Cargo Approved Pet Crates?

    My wife and I just bought a carrier from cankun mascotas yesterday for our medium-sized dog. It was about 950 pesos, and it came with all of the requirements listed in Ashley's post above. The only problem I have now is actually getting my dog to enter it!
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    Huge Apt Sale this Week!

    Are you selling a computer chair? I'm looking for one with wheels and an adjustable back/height.
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    Should we Brits be keeping a low profile?

    muy buena! Where is this mural?
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    Favourite Argentine Drinks

    I'm a pretty big fan of the mate loco
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    Getting US permanent residency for your foreign spouse is about to get harder...

    Well, good luck and thanks for the advice. I'll get in touch with the embassy pronto!
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    Getting US permanent residency for your foreign spouse is about to get harder...

    That's terrible news! My wife and I are in a similar situation: we wanted to start the paper work here, so she would be able to start working right away once we got back to the US. MCAFFA, what are you going do?
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    Birth Certificate for Permanent Residency NOT necessary?

    After marrying an Argentine last February, I finally made it down to immigrations and turned in all of my paperwork in order to receive my permanent residency, the "precaria", which I will use until my DNI shows up in the mail. Everything went very smoothly, but I was surprised by the fact that...
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    Does Dr. Pepper exist in Argentina?

    what about mountain dew? I know that it used to exist here because I've seen old photos of calle florida with a big mountain dew advertisement, but i can't find it anywhere here now.
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    Getting Married at the Registro Civil

    2. The judge let my wife, her mother and father, her grandmother, and me speak during the ceremony. She also let me hang pictures up of my family, who weren't able to make it down for the ceremony.
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    What is your Favorite Argentine Food?

    pastel de papa...casero...mmmmmm....alimentame!
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    Random, Unwanted Text Messages

    go to movistar's facebook page (or twitter) and ask the representative to unsubscribe your number. They do it right away, and then send you a confirmation message....the last message they will ever send you.
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    decent gym in palermo?

    There's a very basic gym on the corner of Cabrera and Billinghurst called Trotter's. It's only 85 pesos per month for free weights and cardio machines, but that's about all they have. Unfortunately, it's right above a parrilla/pizza joint, which makes it somewhat difficult to concentrate on...
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    New Argentine Dictionary now available online

    Clarin just got its Argentine dictionary up and running. According to them it's the most complete of its kind. check it out here:
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    Non-tiny clothes?

    the street Castelli in the 200s. Recommendation from my suegra.