Recent content by billsfan

  1. B

    Dating in Buenos Aires.

    Dear Digger, I see you spent a lot of time in bars (or good enough to make some numbers and the women to men ratio). No much action there, but granted, you don't like the cheapies there... But I also see you posted your "personal ad" here (almost in disguise), looking for a female partner...
  2. B

    Best Telo in BA

  3. B


    Here is something you people may not be aware of. Cachafaz was created by the previous owner(s) of Havanna. [1] He sold it, then created Cachafaz. Not sure how morally correct is that, but if they didn't see it coming, too bad for the new Havanna people. Notes: [1] It's only rumors. Cannot...
  4. B

    Iran ( Persia) Nuclear War Possible

    Wait... is the world coming to an end?? What am I doing here? Let's hire some prostitutes and party til the end!!
  5. B

    Iran ( Persia) Nuclear War Possible

    Oh man... I miss those surprise attacks... now it's all ruined for me. Although 2 months is a lot of time, I might forget about it and be surprised anyways!
  6. B

    Thousands of Argentines, with terror of being expelled

    At some point in the future, people will see the history of these immigration laws pretty much the same as we regard now the Roman empire and its slaves...
  7. B

    Demystifying american expats rants

    And really, I lived all my life in Argentina and everybody I know uses a bidet. Please make sure you are talking to regular clean argentinian when doing the poll.
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    Demystifying american expats rants

    OK, enough of the jokes... I see you guys can't take it. I'm loving it here... Wegmans, Marshall's, summer weather, the green-hills type of landscapes, the lakes, most of the food, Delaware park, the roads, Buffalo women ;) However, I could not care less for the continous "How is everything?"...
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    Demystifying american expats rants

    Come on, I was teasing the guy!! Don't you people have some sense of humor??? But regardless of the "Nice buildings" comment... I'm not so sure about the american degree has the edge over an argentine one IN ARGENTINA (in the US, I suppose)... I mean, it could... probably... but I really don't...
  10. B

    Demystifying american expats rants

    I didn't buy the Ralph Lauren's. I said they were the only ones with wool pants.
  11. B

    Demystifying american expats rants

    Dude. Relax. Again with the pretending. First: I've no idea what different places to shop for clothes here exist. I just look around. Second: Havent seen any of Prada, Hugo or Dolce here. Maybe I walk to fast, I don't know. Third: I'm not a pretentious like you are. I could not care less about...
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    Demystifying american expats rants

    OK, but you do understand that natural fibers like wool are fresher than polyester.
  13. B

    Demystifying american expats rants

    I'm no restaurant owner, but they probably just play it safe. Hence the food you see in the menu. You can't have all the variety of the world in one place. I was just saying, I know a lot of argentine people that enjoy different type of food... and they cook it. But if you feel ok thinking you...
  14. B

    Demystifying american expats rants

    I was arguing with argentinian home-made cooking against your idea that restaurants represent what we eat all the time. My experience about this matter is far greater than yours.
  15. B

    Demystifying american expats rants

    Again with the "pizza-pasta-asado" thing. I really don't get it. My mother (as well as many other households I've known) have cooked for me with a lot of variety. Granted, restaurants may suck, but don't blame it to the general public. My mother (still) routinily makes: chucrut (we have no...