Recent content by steveinbsas

  1. steveinbsas

    Western Union money transfer

    I made a bank to bank transfer this morning at 9:26 using the debit card. The funds were credited to my Santander Rio account almost exactly eight hours later.
  2. steveinbsas

    Rentista passive income through irrevocable trust?

    This is my low cost, no lawyer to pay stratagy to use when applying for the visa rentista: Create the trust document which details how the funds will be invested and distrbuted. There are sample forms available online for creating an irrevocable trust. I have downloaded one of them, but I will...
  3. steveinbsas

    Rentista visa and some other questions

    I'm giving this thread a bump because I think that the history of the income requirements for the visa rentista is interesting and it explans why the $2000 per month figure was often cited in the past (since 2010), even though the actual amount has always been specified in pesos, not dollars...
  4. steveinbsas

    Chaos in the city: a blackout left more than 600,000 users without power

    I was without power for about 30 minutes this afternoon following almost 12 hours of steady rain, fortunately without strong winds. The power was most likely shut off while a repair crew was doing some work in the area. As far as I know, there wasn't any serious flooding in Villa Arias. The...
  5. steveinbsas

    Chaos in the city: a blackout left more than 600,000 users without power

    When it comes to power outages and service where I live in the country of Argentina, I have nothing negative (or sarcastic) to say. The infrequent outages are usually less than one hour and I always contact my closest neighbor before calling the power company. If my neighbors don't have power...
  6. steveinbsas

    Western Union money transfer

    During the past five years I have made well over 100 WU transfers from Schwab to Santander Rio. With one exception, the funds were credited to my Santander Rio account the same day that I made the transfer. The exception was credited on the following day. Today's transfer was the first in well...
  7. steveinbsas

    Coffee and cake prices

    Do you happen to know if there are any visa options in Europe for a "retirre" from the USA who has a monthly Social Security income of about $1,200 dollars as well as (occasionally) two or three hundred from working online? PS: I'm not asking for myself.
  8. steveinbsas

    Coffee and cake prices

    I don't have to dig very deep into the past to remember what I can now regard as "ridículos low prices." Fourteen months ago, my daily cost of living was between $5.50 and $6.00USD per day (not including rent, which I don't pay). Now it's between $16.50 and $18.00USD per day The COL does not...
  9. steveinbsas

    Denied Digital Nomad Visa - My Experience

    If I understand correctly, a "change in status" to get the DNI would require a prorroga for a cambio de categoría from residencia transitoria to residencia temporaria at the office of migraciones. Since the digital nomad visa only grants residencia transitoria, it would be necessary to qualify...
  10. steveinbsas

    Staying Past three months

    Or just overstay and pay the appropriate fee at the airport prior to departure. The airline will "insist" on this prior to check in, and you won't have any problem with migraciones.
  11. steveinbsas

    How's everyone hanging in there with the cost of living these days?

    When I was on the ARBA website this morning, I had the option to pay ARBA in one (annual) cuota or in five installments which will be due on about the tenth day of every other month, starting in March.
  12. steveinbsas

    How's everyone hanging in there with the cost of living these days?

    My annual car tag (aka: patentes) fee for a 1994 Peugeot 405gl was zero last year, as well as at least the ten years prior to 2024. Recently, however, my car insurance increased by a factor of four: from $5000 pesos per month to just over $20.000.
  13. steveinbsas

    How's everyone hanging in there with the cost of living these days?

    The 2025 ARBA assessment finally appeared online this morning. To my great surprise, the valuation and the amount due is almost exactly the same as 2024.
  14. steveinbsas

    Coffee and cake prices

    I just noticed that this is a rice cooker, not a slow cooker: So, this 3.5l slow cooker...
  15. steveinbsas

    Coffee and cake prices

    In 2023 I searched for 220 volt crockpots (aka: slow cookets) offered for sale on Mercado Libre and shared the results here: Here are two that are available now...