Recent content by zapatosgoma

  1. Z

    Buying a car with dollars

    It is likely that because of AFIP controls, the dealer can't value your dollars more than the 4.5 official rate. I would look for a private owner, selling a used car (hopefully like new) and make an offer paying cash with U$D bills
  2. Z

    How much did your ABL increase?

    The ABL for my 70m2 pied-a-terre in Belgrano doubled to $900...about U$D200/yr. The place I hope to sell soon in nu-joisy burns U$D1100...a month! Great schools and clean streets, but what come first? Chicken or egg? Higher RE taxes or better services and no dog poop in the sidewalks?
  3. Z

    Recommend a book

    To the Borges "Ficciones" recommendation above I would add Arlt's "Seven Madmen" (Los Siete Locos), an classic of the other literary school that flourished in the early 1900's. A more recent book that impressed me was "Santa Evita" by Tomas Eloy Martinez. It is a historical fiction book about...
  4. Z

    Selling on Mercadolibre

    Irrational too?! :) I was amused to see that PI is the emergency number in the BA subways....what a perverted mind comes up with that!!
  5. Z

    New and already had a gun pulled on me

    Me thinks is the right spelling for the verb. "Learned" is an adjective... Dude, what's wrong with your carriage return key??
  6. Z

    Tickets for River Game on Saturday?

    The game is Friday 7pm at River, not Sat. There were several back and forths, but that is the latest. Agreed, if 70 pesos is a deal
  7. Z

    What's happening to this country?

    Are you sure? 1- Dubya rode his horse into the sunset 2- Dick...nobody knew where he was anyway 3- Karl is still a respected strategist, live on Fox quite often 4- Libby got pardoned 5- Yoo is a prof at Berkeley (of all places!) you need more? Not that this justifies other countries...
  8. Z

    Today, I am a Member!

    I think is because all you did for that sparrow. You are a far better person than me. Congrats!
  9. Z

    Wine Hunt: Don Alfredo Assemblage.

    Which winery is producing it? Once, I was looking for a wine from a small "boutique" winery and was able to get it just calling them (googled their phone #)
  10. Z

    checking blood sugar

    I don't think you need to go to a Dr., but if you don't have a kit and supplies you will need to go to a "Laboratorio de Analisis Clinicos". They do all type of blood analysis, and for some they may require a Dr. order but I believe not for blood sugar. What you are looking for is called...
  11. Z

    serious assault last night

    I am very confused. Is just that the notion of "innocent until proven guilty" does not apply in Arg, just because "this is Arg"?? Were the perpetrators really rugby players, or just bulky guys? Guys, you've posted pictures of specific people tying them to a crime. Keep in mind that things in...
  12. Z

    Bariloche Advice

    La Fonda del Tio! Wow, that brings back a lot of memories! I lived in Bche during the late 80's, and just a few block from the place. Huuuge fried empanadas. But I think my digestive prowess has faded with age....
  13. Z

    Review of Le Sud, Buenos Aires (one of the best restaurants)

    Tempting!! I am impressed by the color of that red wine. I guess some of the violet-ish hue comes from the water glass behind, still, argentine wines tend to be thicker, not as translucent as that one must have been. Do you remember the winery?
  14. Z

    Selling on Mercadolibre

    You can use my DNI = 314151926 :)
  15. Z

    local fishes

    Also keep in mind provenance. Some are from sea, and they will have far less fat content than river fish. Mero, corvina, caballa, besugo are from sea. Bagre, pati, surubi, pacu, dorado are all from river. These later are great for grilling, and I have been in carritos near Rosario where they...