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  1. S

    Should I Bring My Ferrari With Me To Ba?

    What a pretentious w....... you sound like . Do you know Argentina has 30% poverty level and the city is surrounded by villas and all you can talk about is your car( p....s). Please get a life!
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    Should I Bring My Ferrari With Me To Ba?

    Really youngman you feel that without your fancy appendage you will lose social status. Catch buses and trains like most of us do instead .
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    Are There Places Like This In Argentina?

    Please,please just stop with your simplistic arguments. Argentina is nearly 10 times larger than Chile and has some of the most beautiful scenery of the world. Now for you Chile is paradise as they did not rob you on the street yet. Wait to you do business in Chile and see how they rob you ...
  4. S

    The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

    Still with your one line wonders marking with your pen everyone with ignorant remarks. Ignorance is a word that is the epitomy of who you are and what you project to everyone who has the misfortune to be in contact with you.
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    The Best Reason Now To Be An Expat In Argentina...

    Mr Steve I believe you are telling the truth, Please see this video from an very believable school friend.
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    Chaco Province, Unemployment Cero !! A First Ever

    I like you Mr Ghost! You are a man who thinks.
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    Chaco Province, Unemployment Cero !! A First Ever

    I read your posts here and I cringe with shame. You support the unsupportable and talk about human rights when clearly there is a lack of them in many places in our country, I love love Argentina and will never leave but we can be so much better . Why accept mediocrity?
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    Chaco Province, Unemployment Cero !! A First Ever

    Yes and how many were thrown out of planes Mr Dublin? There are every day over 10 people who are killed in our provinces due to the crime wave sweeping Argentina and this I am sure that most intelligent people will believe is a figure worse than ever in the history of Argentina.
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    Chaco Province, Unemployment Cero !! A First Ever

    People do not live better today than before this is a fact. You are trying to say that life is better now ?
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    Chaco Province, Unemployment Cero !! A First Ever

    Please stop with your simplistic arguments. Do you know more people are dying per year because of crime in Argentina per year than when we lived in the so called dictatorship ? We are living under fear every day , fear to go out, fear to catch a train, fear to open our door of our house, the...
  11. S

    Chaco Province, Unemployment Cero !! A First Ever

    You have low intelligence like a monkey actually and you make me so ashamed of the argentinian people today. Chaco is the poorest province of Argentina and 90% of its workers are human slaves earning less than US $ 150 per month. This is not working but esclavitud nothing more nothing less.
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    Chaco Province, Unemployment Cero !! A First Ever

    The people I do not like Matias and co they speak to others like we are fools using simple childish arguments that the country is better that it was in 2001. PLEASE!!!! the country collapsed into shreds then of course it seems better than then but it it it much worse than it was 20 years ago and...
  13. S

    Chaco Province, Unemployment Cero !! A First Ever

    Too many of my fellow argentinians lie on this forum and drum up support for a decaying government . When is 1,000 pesos a month called working? This is starvation and nothing more as the norther provinces have the most deaths by malnutrition in Argentina , Bajocero do you even care ?
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    Moreno Quits ... Tommorrow Holiday....?

    Che was just another communist dictator that is a tool for the less intelligent amongst us .
  15. S

    Moreno Quits ... Tommorrow Holiday....?

    You love to have some more dollars and euros in your hand while your argentinian friends fall into poverty!
  16. S

    Tourists Destroying The Economy!

    Kristina and her team are keeping us Argentinians prisoners in our own home with a devaluing peso , rising costs, and capital controls that are crippling small business. Tourists are seeing the effects of this with a rising crime rate, expensive prices, and more unhappy people .
  17. S

    Is The Economy Dead In Argentina?

    I have recieved many comments from members commending me for standing up to this bully and it all started because I said I did not like his books .He needs to read the comments of most of the members on this forum who are in disagreement with his boorish antics .
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    Is It Possible To Find Love In Argentina?

    I adore tango but found this book very tacky and cheap and completely souless and if anyone says otherwise I will write them off from that point on,
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    Is It Possible To Find Love In Argentina?

    Yes and her book was a tawdy shallow book for those woman who believe in silly fantasies.
  20. S

    Is The Economy Dead In Argentina?

    Thank you ! And all of this started from a simple comment that I did not like your books and since then I have been attacked and stalked by this member at every turn . Im sure his publishers monitors these forums and they have decided to tell him to stop his bullying of others for his amusement .