Tourists Destroying The Economy!

bitcoins bitcoins bitcoins! The revolution has begun...well it's fight against the corrupt banksters and their politician co-conspirators- ;) buy a bitcoin (currently at US$580 per coin) .. Not meaning to change the subject, just adding it in seeing this thread is all about the do$h.

wait no its /656.00 oh wait it 675 oh wait dropped to 640 oh back to 675

The crash is coming, its practically impossible to get dirty fiat money out of magic the gathering online exchange and for some strange reason bitcoiners use it to value their funny internet money
Even funnier is that they are running out of bitcoins to sell ( they've gone from 60k ish in august to around 9k last time i looked) and it wouldn't take many bitcoins to be sold to crash the price on all the other exchanges.

Anyone want to buy some tulips

a Beanie baby or two?

Yes! Bitcoins...lets defeat the corrupt bankers and politicians and help the drugdealers and other criminals instead. Bitcoins!
I understand Nico, but I also I remember when the internet itself was new & just starting up, how the general News media used to report about it... all those negative & dark news stories about the Internet.."murdered online" ..."robbed online"...INTERNET INTERNET INTERNET! ...we can all laugh about it now, the same way I see Bitcoin... any new system in it's teething stages is going to cop bad press & be associated with the dark side, it's the nature of the News media to do so. But a change is way overdue here, we all know this deep's only a matter of time before bitcoin DISRUPTS the corruption & gives back the power to the people just like the Internet did.
wait no its /656.00 oh wait it 675 oh wait dropped to 640 oh back to 675

The crash is coming, its practically impossible to get dirty fiat money out of magic the gathering online exchange and for some strange reason bitcoiners use it to value their funny internet money
Even funnier is that they are running out of bitcoins to sell ( they've gone from 60k ish in august to around 9k last time i looked) and it wouldn't take many bitcoins to be sold to crash the price on all the other exchanges.

Anyone want to buy some tulips

a Beanie baby or two?

Tulips? Don't you mean poppies?
I understand Nico, but I also I remember when the internet itself was new & just starting up, how the general News media used to report about it... all those negative news stories about "online" ..all the warnings about the Internet..we can all laugh about it now, the same way I see's going to cop bad press & be associated with the dark side, it's the nature of the News media to do so. A change is way overdue here, we all know this deep down.

Some type of cryptography currency could be interesting,

The Canadian mint are doing some testing.

but why bitcoins and not any of the other hundreds of altcoins?

HoboNickels are the currency of the future!11111!!!1


I've posted before why technologically they are flawed (which is often removed by the mods for some reason), and if you skip past the bitcoin fanatics who all have sunk cost fallacy in them you will see just how flawed they are.
Ejcot, I totally agree with you , the crash has to come sooner or later. But it also did back in March where it climbed above US$200 (if I remember correctly) and then it went down to US$50 or less..8 months down the track it's at US$650....I think if you have a spare thousand or two it's ok to buy for the long term...just my layman's opinion.

Yes, I agree, there is too much fanaticism & hipe around bitcoin...but I have a gut feeling this one is not going to go away. I'm going to read up on your past comments around it, I read through a few of them before & I think you make some very solid arguments. I agree with most of them. But, for me the jury's still out on Bitcoin. Tulips couldn't be transferred from one side of the planet to the other in a millisecond...maybe it's value rests beyond the speculative aspects of it, I don't know.
Ejcot, I totally agree with you , the crash has to come sooner or later. But it also did back in March where it climbed above US$200 (if I remember correctly) and then it went down to US$50 or less..8 months down the track it's at US$650....I think if you have a spare thousand or two it's ok to buy for the long term...just my layman's opinion.

only you can't get money out of the biggest exchange and you would crash the market if you tried to get any substantial amount out of the other exchanges.

I congratulate anyone who rode the bubble and got out before the exchanges started locking down, now just remember to report your earnings to the IRS.


If you have a spare thousand or two, surely you would be better playing with penny stocks in a regulated market?
If you have a spare thousand or two, surely you would be better playing with penny stocks in a regulated market?
Yep, I fully agree, this Bitcoin thing is not for everyone, it's more for the younger tech savvy risk takers for sure, especially when you look at the basics of maintenance & security surrounding devices/wallets etc. But I can't help the feeling that bitcoin will become the new standard currency in the mid to long term, sooner or later it will mature in all aspects as system. I love the fact that it is peer to peer based & it's open source.

And without going into Linux zealot territory, I've been into open source since 1997 when I first installed Mandrake Linux on my PC. Don't get me wrong I'm all for 'OS diversity' but Open source , generally speaking grows & evolves every second of the day as everyone knows..and it's ability to disrupt the old systems is what blows my mind..I LOVE THE SPIRIT of it...for me, bitcoin is just another facet of the open source movement.
Yep, I fully agree, this Bitcoin thing is not for everyone, it's more for the younger tech savvy risk takers for sure, especially when you look at the basics of maintenance & security surrounding devices/wallets etc. But I can't help the feeling that bitcoin will become the new standard currency in the mid to long term, sooner or later it will mature in all aspects as system. I love the fact that it is peer to peer based & it's open source.

And without going into Linux zealot territory, I've been into open source since 1997 when I first installed Mandrake Linux on my PC. Don't get me wrong I'm all for 'OS diversity' but Open source , generally speaking grows & evolves every second of the day as everyone knows..and it's ability to disrupt the old systems is what blows my mind..I LOVE THE SPIRIT of it...for me, bitcoin is just another facet of the open source movement.

sure open source is great, i run a linux media device, use various linux servers for various things and have local linux virtual machines. (not to mention using android etc.)

Bitcoin being peer to peer is what makes it impossible to scale. There's currently talk about making some bitcoins on a blacklist preventing them from being moved/used. It could quite easily result in another fork of the bitcoin chain. so who then decides which fork to use? last time it forked it was decided by 3-4 people who forced their mining pools to mine mine the alternative chain. That's not exactly decentralised is it?

Bitcoins aren't the future, they're a proof of concept which their creator quickly ran away from when the current lot of zealots started to get involved.
Kristina and her team are keeping us Argentinians prisoners in our own home with a devaluing peso , rising costs, and capital controls that are crippling small business. Tourists are seeing the effects of this with a rising crime rate, expensive prices, and more unhappy people .