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  1. Montauk_Project

    Mujeres Con Pelotas The Film

    Thanks for the comments! It would be good if more men could see the film, though most of the "enforcers" are mothers. About camera work--filming in the villa on low budget was hard, so we did the best we could. More than deliberate decision it was what was possible (I don´t like shaky camera...
  2. Montauk_Project

    Mujeres Con Pelotas The Film

    no worries, understood that it wasn´t directed at me, but I myself am not happy with the organization of the festival. See you there!
  3. Montauk_Project

    Mujeres Con Pelotas The Film

    Thanks Redpossum for fighting to get a ticket! Sorry I didn´t organize the festival, LOL! See you all tomorrow, enjoy the English subtitles.
  4. Montauk_Project

    Mujeres Con Pelotas The Film

    @Rich One The movie might answer your question, after the screening in the BAFICI I will be there to take questions.
  5. Montauk_Project

    Mujeres Con Pelotas The Film

    @Bkentfc I invite you to see the film as the real passion--play without money--is in female football today in Argentina.
  6. Montauk_Project

    Late Night Pharmacies - Sleeping Aids

    I suffer from insomnia and I bought pasionaria and valariana (at a pharmacy actually, but you can also get them at stores). Boiled water, put in a tablespoon of each, let it set 10 minutes. As strong as pills--slept for 9 hours.
  7. Montauk_Project

    It Finally Happened To Me -- My Ipad And Laptop Were Stolen.

    This is a hard case because there were a lot of witnesses, maybe cameras, and also it was clear that she left it here. My insurance policy (argentine) ONLY covers violent robbery in which there must be a struggle or a lock picked, etc.
  8. Montauk_Project

    It Finally Happened To Me -- My Ipad And Laptop Were Stolen.

    Insurance sometimes doesn´t cover robbery if you left things unattended, you might want to consider this before filing a police report that says you left it there.
  9. Montauk_Project

    Mujeres Con Pelotas The Film

    @thorsten The film is actually funded by the INCAA (Argentine Film Institute) which in this case gave minimal funding (no salaries for me or the co-director, no funds for adverstising, etc), the other questions I would be happy to answer but it would take me a long time to write--maybe 5 pages...
  10. Montauk_Project

    Mujeres Con Pelotas The Film

    I understand, the BAFICI is a great festival in terms of film but not the best organization. The theater is the Village Recoleta, located in the Recoleta Mall: Vicente López 2050, right next to the cemetery.
  11. Montauk_Project

    Argentina Has The 3Rd Lowest Murder Rate In Latin America

    Source "la nación" (conservative newspaper) Chile 3.1 homicides for every 100,000 inhabitants Cuba 4.2/100,000 Argentina 5.5/100,000 The USA has a rate of 4.7 for 100,000...
  12. Montauk_Project

    Mujeres Con Pelotas The Film

    You can also buy at the box office. Click on this link: and then press "comprar" or "buy tickets" and you can purchase on line.
  13. Montauk_Project

    Mujeres Con Pelotas The Film

    BAFICI is the Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente The main place for films is the Recoleta Village, the festival takes places until Sunday. There are more than 500 films of all types: http://festivales.bu.../bafici/en/home Tickets are 26 pesos, and films do sell out...
  14. Montauk_Project

    Mujeres Con Pelotas The Film

    Hi, yes, this is my documentary (co-directed with Gabriel Balanovsky). Today we had a good showing even though there was a strike (almost full house!) which surprised us. Reception has been good, the female players get very emotional, and the film talks about how women can play hockey but not...
  15. Montauk_Project

    Depressed That Your Friends Have No Money?

    A few years ago I was the one who got their beers paid for by friends who knew I was down on my luck. Now we split or I treat. Money is a cycle, and friends should understand this. Also, people have different ideas of what a good thing to spend money on is and what is not--I would blow a lot of...
  16. Montauk_Project

    Feelings Of Safety And Security (Crime In Argentina)

    No, he was saying that the need for longer sentences and lynchings is to prevent this crime which attacks "la gente" and not "negros que matan entre sí". It was the most racist thing I heard in a while, as well as being incorrect. I don´t like even typing it because I don´t agree with it at all...
  17. Montauk_Project

    Feelings Of Safety And Security (Crime In Argentina)

    The other day, an ex-judge was on TV saying how bad crime was here, etc, but he himself admitted that there is less crime than in the US (crime in Argentina has gone down since the 2001-2003 crisis, not up), but in the US it is different since, IN HIS WORDS, it is black people killing black...
  18. Montauk_Project

    Trying To Move Asap To Buenos Aires

    One of the first things I wrote about sexism in Argentina: wake up call: Hollywood is MUCH MORE SEXIST, just look at the credits of any major films. There are few female directors and most jobs are male only. In film...
  19. Montauk_Project

    : ) New To Ba Seeking Affordable Spanish Tutoring...

    I second Adriana, I worked with her 10 years ago.
  20. Montauk_Project

    Malbec Argie Best In The World Award In France

    I was at a winery filming a few years ago. I tried two wines, one was expensive as hell and one was mid-range. Everyone at the table, myself included, preferred the mid-range. You can also be biased by what you are used too. When I went to Chile I loved the wines but in part because it was...