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  1. Z

    Looking to catch a polo match

    in addition to seeing the horse races next week... Can someone help me figure out where to go to see this, ive got the Horse racing thing down.... just need help with Polo... Much appreciated! Zach
  2. Z

    Lunch on October 5th

    Please add me too wanted to see abasto anyways! See you there Zach
  3. Z

    Frinks - October 1st - Reconquista

    If im not homeless i will try to make it, i walked by the place a few minutes ago! but i need to find a place to stay as my agency has not been very helpful....
  4. Z

    Tap water doesnt quench thirst

    What like their sidewalks? Or the quality of their plumbing? And who can forget the nightly trash... ahhh the best!
  5. Z

    Oktoberfest in Cordoba

    is there one there? when? ill be in town Oct 1-30 and would love to join... pm me!
  6. Z

    Sony Vivas pro unlocked...

    Tons of txt... 3-5 calls my Spanish sucks so for cabs and such
  7. Z

    Sony Vivas pro unlocked...

    what company do i go with for texting, and local/ld calls... i dont need data for 3g i can handle the wifi hookup on it unless there is an unlimited plan i should know about.. Regards, Zach
  8. Z

    Ravens vs Jets Tonight

    I've met her in Miami once... We had a shot with some Nike folks shes not that hot i'm sure there are some BsAs women that will melt her face amongst other things! Where shall we review the game next sunday?
  9. Z

    Opinion time: buy my ticket to Ushaia here or there?

    How much is a monthly subway / bus pass?
  10. Z

    Opinion time: buy my ticket to Ushaia here or there?

    I'm in to BA from Portland on Contential... not planning on Ushuaia till Nov 1ish... i guess 170 each way is not bad to see the sights and hang with the penguins... can i have someone with a DNI number buy my seat? i hear rumors its not posted on the ticket... So if i look at aero argentina and...
  11. Z

    Opinion time: buy my ticket to Ushaia here or there?

    Thanks, I was just wondering as in france or most of the EU going to an agent to buy a lower cost ticket with cash is always better than the internet for price...
  12. Z

    Opinion time: buy my ticket to Ushaia here or there?

    So I'm planning to take 3 days down late October. Should I buy now here in the USA online? Or there from an agent somewhere? Comments and thoughts? $375.00 here and now! Thank you!
  13. Z

    Ravens vs Jets Tonight

    Ill be there for the steeler game week 4 huge ravens fan... lets figure where to go! i'll be living near abasto.
  14. Z

    So if you had a chance to bring 5 things with you to BA

    Got it... yes thanks! I just got schwab online!!!
  15. Z

    So if you had a chance to bring 5 things with you to BA

    I was told here on TV that the Italians and the ex pats kicked all the natives out in to the wilderness? an no one wants an LV bag when you can get an Hermes in town!
  16. Z

    So if you had a chance to bring 5 things with you to BA

    and ill be deleting the thread now...
  17. Z

    So if you had a chance to bring 5 things with you to BA

    What about steak knives?
  18. Z

    So if you had a chance to bring 5 things with you to BA

    You are scarring me!
  19. Z

    So if you had a chance to bring 5 things with you to BA

    Good steak sauce, great wine glasses, lots of condoms...
  20. Z

    So if you had a chance to bring 5 things with you to BA

    I live in portland oregon so iv'e got the umbrella down!!! check.