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  1. ARbound

    Racism Towards People From The States?

    Bahahahahaha I knew this one was coming. Matias, you know this is a meme right? If you google things Argentines say with the keyword UBA you'll get the whole thing about how you guys drone on and on about them. Seriously though, only 5? Back of the line my Camporaista friend One of my alma...
  2. ARbound

    After 5 Years, Lost The Right To Vote.

    I wasn't talking specifically about the voting, I was saying he's been a shitty PM in general. But hey, if you want to make assumptions and then imply I'm stupid/forgetful/too young to know from said assumptions you've made, feel free too, I honestly don't care, it just makes yourself look like...
  3. ARbound

    Racism Towards People From The States?

    I don't think that level of self awareness even exists in Canada, let alone the United States. Granted, people don't like being told what horrible thing was done past/present/future in their name, especially when they're against it, but as others have said, at least Germany owns it and you don't...
  4. ARbound

    After 5 Years, Lost The Right To Vote.

    This isn't surprising, this country has been getting shiter since Stephen Harper became PM. His famous line is "You won't recognize Canada when I'm through with it."
  5. ARbound

    Racism Towards People From The States?

    Well, I wouldn't call it racism, xenophobia I'd say is a more accurate term, and as I'm sure many of you will remember my rant about how Argentina is the most xenophobic country I've been to, at least openly about it. But I digress, I've experienced it, it sucks. I'm Canadian and American, and...
  6. ARbound

    Argentinian Man Dies During Sex With Scarecrow

    Peverse to you. Maybe you have sexual fetishes that others here consider normal but some might find disgusting, who am I to judge what gets you off. There are still people alive today, and governments in some countries that targetpeople like me only because I happen to like other men. Like...
  7. ARbound

    Argentinian Man Dies During Sex With Scarecrow

    The point of view is implicit that the relations are consensual. Rape, sex slavery, and other horrible acts are by their definition not consensual. But if you want a dogmatic (pun intended) argument about libertarianism ajo, you'd have to ask someone who is, as I'm only a civil libertarian...
  8. ARbound

    Argentinian Man Dies During Sex With Scarecrow

    How is it naïve? I too think its ridiculous to call someone's sexual orientation and or interests a pervision, and generally agree with the statement. It's not really anyone's business what two adults or more do together as long as they don't hurt others, and both are consenting.
  9. ARbound

    Argentinian Man Dies During Sex With Scarecrow

    People don't really talk about it but sex tourism, both the paying to have sex with SE Asian Trans people and hooking up while traveling/on vacation are pretty common. I don't know anyone personally that has done it, but like I've said earlier, a self described "Thai ladyboy" propositioned me...
  10. ARbound

    Argentinian Man Dies During Sex With Scarecrow

    Looks like we've got a size queen in the midst, pray tell, if 6" is small, what is large? Also Joe, the fact you used Argentinian is really upsetting me, I thought the CIA (aka Macri's puppet masters according to the campora wing of BAExpats) established the demonym as Argentine(s)
  11. ARbound

    American Breakfast

    I'll point out again that I'm returning for a visit in a few weeks and still have some suitcase space. You want some pancake batter and or real maple syrup (or the Mrs. Butterworth's/Aunt Jemima kind) I can bring some, but like most things in life, it comes with a small cost. PM me if you're...
  12. ARbound

    Might Move To Buenos Aires! Need Some Info.

    The implication is that there's a good chance that like INDEC (post Nestor ofc), they too cook the books to fit an agenda, something every nation does, just some do it shamelessly, i.e. Argentina and poverty statistics even still. And flights originating in Argentina, even at the dolar blue...
  13. ARbound

    Might Move To Buenos Aires! Need Some Info.

    You might want to provide some more details about yourself so we can make a better suggestion. If you're young, middle aged, retiring, moving because? moving from? etc.
  14. ARbound

    More Government Interference, This Time Radio

    This exists here in Canada and I've always thought it was lazy attempt at nationalism for a country that's motto is "we're not the united states!". Terrible "stars" get elevated, bad tv shows receive government subsidies, and people who strangle cats in a studio for 80 mins are called national...
  15. ARbound

    Likelihood Of Dirty War 2 In Coming Years

    I have a feeling I might be the only Bernie fan here, oh well, New England Socialism para todos
  16. ARbound

    Where Can I Find Ex-Lax In Baires?

    If this was anyone but Joe I'd say this was a natural progression: adult diapers, putting toilet paper in the toilet, hemorrhoids, etc. A new name for the forum could have been BAss Ex-Lax, but I have some doubts on the seriousness of Joe's thread...
  17. ARbound

    Likelihood Of Dirty War 2 In Coming Years

    This poll isn't quite accurate yet. You know how I know? It's missing Matias' 100% certainty vote.
  18. ARbound

    Cia World Factbook Is Now Out - Argentina

    First they came for the choripan, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a member of the Campora... Of you? Never, you're like Jon Stewart, guaranteed laughs
  19. ARbound

    Import Restrictions To Be Lifted

    There you have it folks, an Argentina without Kirchnerism/Peronism is literally dictatorship according to Matias. Let's call this exhibit 97,000 (and counting) on the list of 100% rational, based in reality and certified non-Campora points of view he holds.
  20. ARbound

    Import Restrictions To Be Lifted

    The general theme of this thread would be: imagina un país sin Peronismo/Kirchnerismo...