Likelihood Of Dirty War 2 In Coming Years

What is the likelihood of Dirty War II in coming years

  • 100% Certainty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 75% Very Likely

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50%

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • 25% Unlikely

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • 0% Impossible

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • No Opinion

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I have a feeling I might be the only Bernie fan here, oh well, New England Socialism para todos
I have a feeling I might be the only Bernie fan here, oh well, New England Socialism para todos
Ajo will be for Bernie initially for the socialist street cred, but once MSNBC throws in its hat in for Hilary, he will fall in line. Just as Steve will fall in line for Jeb once Fox anoints him.

Again, a lot of theater for two flunkies totally owned by the financial and weapons industries.

There's more true competition in fixed FIFA matches.
Ajo will be for Bernie initially for the socialist street cred, but once MSNBC throws in its hat in for Hilary, he will fall in line. Just as Steve will fall in line for Jeb once Fox anoints him.

Again, a lot of theater for two flunkies totally owned by the financial and weapons industries.

There's more true competition in fixed FIFA matches.
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Ajo will be for Bernie initially for the socialist street cred, but once MSNBC throws in its hat in for Hilary, he will fall in line. Just as Steve will fall in line for Jeb once Fox anoints him.

I respect Senator Sanders, but he has no chance for the nomination. He is not even a Democrat. I am open-minded - one of the finest candidates I ever voted for was a Republican ( - but there are no comparably intelligent Republican candidates today.
Joe, you seem to be the only one here who still read Ajo.
I've been hired by his family and friends to do an intervention.

In order to cure the disease, you must first understand the disease.

We're debating brain surgery. Many are unaware of the strides made with frontal lobotomies.

His condition has worsened as his arch nemesis has achieved great success with his screenplays which some see destined for major Hollywood productions whilst his travel books languish on the bookstore shelves....
Seems that a dirty war is much more likely to happen in the US. "Milicos" are not an exclusivity of South America, it seems.

"Disloyal Americans should be put into internment camps"
Retired US Army General Wesley Clark, Democrat.
