Search results

  1. B

    Re: Toddler table and chairs?

    I can suggest el circulo de las vitaminas(at Design Center or any other big shopping center), but I can't bet that it will be for $ 100. these days it is becoming rather difficult to find something for $ 100, (just same basic groceries at any cheap supermarket and you are spending near that sum)...
  2. B

    schools for children

    Ghost, I had normally thought of Lincoln as a school for americans living in Argentina but it seems that is history
  3. B

    Any opinions on health insurance, Eurosalud and Hopital Italiano?

    To Paul: No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver...... If you have preconceived ideas's useless debating the issue. Good luck with the american system. I (and many others who lived in both countries) hated it. I don't miss GH and I would be insane to compare their people...
  4. B

    Any opinions on health insurance, Eurosalud and Hopital Italiano?

    Paul, With the best prepagas, you will get a better health service than in the USA, believe me I went through both systems, Georgetown Hospital and Medicus here back home. It is not comparable, the queues, being taken care of most of the times when I got an appointment with the nurse, the M.D...
  5. B

    schools for children

    I agree with your point on new schools but at Lincoln, they will only deal with americans, and then that's not diversity, if they intend to stay for long in Argentina
  6. B

    schools for children

    Hi, Victoria college has been merged with another school and is no longer in Palermo but in Belgrano. I fear Bayard on Salguero might follow the same fate. Few students in expensive neighbourhoods is not a good equation for any small private school As for Northlands, Saint Adrews it surely...
  7. B

    Any opinions on health insurance, Eurosalud and Hopital Italiano?

    DQ, You surely can be included in any "prepaga" as long as you meet the following criterium: 1) You will pay for the same plan, same services a higher fee. I can't remember if it kicks in at 60 or 65 onwards, I guess it's the same in the USA. This has been challenged by the government and...
  8. B

    Where to buy good yoga mats?

    any nike shop, at least my classmates got them there.
  9. B

    expensive apts ?

    There wouldn't be any problem as far as you've complied with the regulations of selling in Argentina: A) Paying due taxes most known Impuestos a los sellos (this is payable by every argentine citizen when you buy or sell)-It would be sthg like property taxes in the USA. Here they are fixed...
  10. B

    Anybody Hungry?

    Nikad As far as Sushi is concerned- I can add two popular names- with restaurants here in Palermo, and La Lucila and Pilar. I love it, a little bit too pricey for my wallet, but once in awhile....(the owners or partners are american) And the second very popular...
  11. B

    perfect dog needs home with yard or like

    Golden, I didn't understand your post, is she some kind of terrier, or a pitbull, my walker (I own a cocker spaniel, Raimundo) might know somebody. But I know that he won't be willing to place nor to own any pitbull (he has had bad experiences.) I will take a look at the pictures. Happy...
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    Americans & psychoanalysis

    Bjrutlejudge, I assume by your name that you are the judge, well anyway, I have always thought that forums were virtual communities to discuss and exchange views, without any authority as long as no laws were broke. Let me explain what has got me so involved in this forum: This zoo of...
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    Americans & psychoanalysis

    We were speaking about violent football fans but sthg about the NBA caught my attention, what can you say about it.....violence doesn't seem a "privilege" of Argentine fans? In the USA the PLAYERS itselfs led the brawl. Kudos! P.S: Let's move on to another subject: Violence in society doesn't...
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    Americans & psychoanalysis

    Would you rather follow the conversation in Spanish, or would you rather in French or Italian:)? I'm not familiar of what other languages you master other than english (sounds so poor not being even bilingual) Let me know your choice A bientot, je vous laisse je vais me coucher de bonne...
  15. B

    Random question about getting clothes made

    Vidaboa, I could provide you with addresses where you could get dresses, or more formal clothing done but no idea of jeans tailored , in fact I have never heard of this in B.A. But I will ask. One never knows. Regards, B.
  16. B

    Americans & psychoanalysis

    Johny, Let's draw the line clear: One thing is to drink when you're an adult and you are supposedly able to take care of yourself and another when you are 20 and you are binging on the road or the parking lot of a house who happened to be near campus. Scandinavians do drink (I do no know the...
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    Americans & psychoanalysis

    Johny, If they are raised so independently, why do you think that they drink like a fish during college? (In many cases financed by their parents) Are they really independent? Independent...
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    Americans & psychoanalysis

    Hi Nikad, Yes Woody does bring up the issue in his films but then you have the feeling that the general population doesn't practise i right? I have always been a great fan of Woody but after living in the USA I didn't see that he represented very much what I saw on the street nor...
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    Americans & psychoanalysis Anybody know why americans are so biased against psychoanalysis? Do you need to be crazy to visit one as this american implies? I know he is just joking but anyway I have always felt that that belief is very ingrained...
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    cosmetic surgery in BA

    Brian, It all depends on the hands of whom you trust your health, I also know of close friends who have paid private doctors to have deliveries with infections and other complications and ended up at Buenos Aires hospitals fixing what Conneticut doctors had missed (cleaning the uterus after...