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  1. Renzi

    El País: Peru leads Argentina in the race to be the next Venezuela

    "To understand this drop, we must go back to the strict measures to restrict mobility in the second quarter," says Pamela Ramos, an analyst at Oxford Economics. “In the first quarter, GDP was already falling, but in the next it fell by 30%, the largest decline of all emerging economies. It was a...
  2. Renzi

    Argentina locked down early and hard. Now cases are exploding

    It's just a little flu. Nothing that orange juice, prayer, and chicken soup can't cure.
  3. Renzi

    What will the Dollar be worth End 2020.!

    Depends on what you mean by "performing worse." Argentina has consistently had the second largest economy on the continent, third in Latin America, and ranks second highest in the latest Human Development Index Ranking. It also In other words, even while performing poorly, it's still doing...
  4. Renzi

    What would you say to yourself in 25 years?

    I didn't know Clarín is almost as old as its average reader.
  5. Renzi

    What will the Dollar be worth End 2020.!

    Currency stability is just one measure, political stability is almost as important according to how corporations like S&P Global assess investment risk ("in most cases, weak investment is due to uncertain domestic political dynamics"). In just the last year there has been massive unrest in...
  6. Renzi

    What happened to John Cobin .... US citizen arrested in Chile

    Maybe this dude saw a Chilean flag and thought he was in Texas where he could have used the "he needed killin'' defense.
  7. Renzi

    Vegans in Violent Incident Protest with Slaughterhouse Workers

    propaganda | ˌpräpəˈɡandə | noun. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
  8. Renzi

    What will the Dollar be worth End 2020.!

    I'm a relative newcomer to this board, yet I still don't get the persistent moaning and doomsday hyperbole about the economy and the politics of Argentina that goes on here. Bad governments and currrency devaluation are Latin America 101, every country in the region deals with this on a regular...
  9. Renzi

    Vegans in Violent Incident Protest with Slaughterhouse Workers

    Well, it's an editorial piece. It's a comentary on the inherent hypocrisy of vegans using their personal dietary choice as a badge of moral and intellectual superiority over others. For instance, most vegans seem to be blissfully ignorant of the fact that the increased demand for things like...
  10. Renzi

    Non-Stop Exodus of Multinationals Leaving Argentina...!

    Rappi is currently in hot water in Colombia for many of its business practices, so I doubt they're worried too much about Alberto at the moment.
  11. Renzi

    Vegans in Violent Incident Protest with Slaughterhouse Workers
  12. Renzi

    Vegans in Violent Incident Protest with Slaughterhouse Workers

    Unstable people tend to be drawn to extremist ideologies. Also, not everyone's body responds well to a vegan diet, and the vitamin deficiencies caused by such an extreme and unatural diet have been linked to unstable behavior.
  13. Renzi

    Vegans in Violent Incident Protest with Slaughterhouse Workers

    Slightly off topic, but it's intersting that the bullfights never took off in Argentina, considering that there's always been such a large cattle industry here. There was a large plaza de toros in Retiro in the 19th century.
  14. Renzi

    Vegans in Violent Incident Protest with Slaughterhouse Workers

    Mental illness is nothing to laugh at.
  15. Renzi

    Dating in Argentina vs Dating in US/UK....

    I miss the days when a date meant having pie and coffee with a little chit chat.
  16. Renzi

    What will the Dollar be worth End 2020.!

    No kidding. They're not even exporting decent football players any more, and look how far they've fallen behind England in the FIFA rankings.
  17. Renzi

    Dating in Argentina vs Dating in US/UK....
  18. Renzi

    Dating in Argentina vs Dating in US/UK....

    It's all about market value. If you are a while male from the US or Europe, you'll do much better with Argentinian women than someone from elsewhere from Latin America, who have lower market value. That is, they aren't typically going to downgrade socially by dating a Colombian or a Mexican...
  19. Renzi

    Poorer than Haiti?

    I didn't bring up Cuba, I was resonding to someone else's post about it. Colombia and Argentina have historically been much closer by most economic measures than either of them has ever been close to Haiti, and the idea that Colombia could and likely will surpass ARG shouldn't be unthinkable...
  20. Renzi

    Poorer than Haiti?

    Panama and Costa Rica are not in South America. And why use Bógota as a point of compasison? That doesn't even make sense. It's an globally important capital city with about 6 times the population, Córdoba is a provincial capital in the middle of nowhere, of course it's going to be less...