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  1. R

    What is the future of the arts under Milei?

    If this government doesn't finish its term, there will surely be something new, whether you pray for it or not.
  2. R

    Milei officially rejects Argentina entering BRICS

    I guess North Korea would be your ideal country, then. It only invests in itself. It doesn't spend its hard-earned won on some stupid international projects.
  3. R

    Milei officially rejects Argentina entering BRICS

    Susanita about Felipe BRICS.
  4. R

    Milei officially rejects Argentina entering BRICS

    Yeah, investors from developed countries right now are pulling out in droves from Brazil, India, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and many other places. Advocating 'Almost Free Trade,' right?
  5. R

    Milei officially rejects Argentina entering BRICS

    Milei's decision not to join BRICS forfeited opportunities from external investments that could have benefited Argentina's economy. Milei's supporters who justify this decision should get their position straight and not use slogans from a different playbook.
  6. R

    Milei officially rejects Argentina entering BRICS

    That's a good slogan to drive a privatization. From what country will the investors come? Argentina? Is this what 'liberating' the economy is supposed to look like?
  7. R

    Milei officially rejects Argentina entering BRICS

    BRICS countries have a common bank that supports member countries' economic development and infrastructure projects. They have an agreement to protect members in response to short-term liquidity pressures. India and China have benefited in many ways from participating in BRICS, but who wants to...
  8. R

    They have Milei. We have Trump. We’re closer to Argentina’s chaos than we think

    Why do you think Communists are hated here? Every time somebody starts talking about "la gente trabajadora", I think, wow - this is typical commie-talk. I know that Peronism is a different ideology, but some keywords just ring a bell. There used to be an office of the Communist Party on Callao...
  9. R

    Argentina May Issue Bond to Pay $16 Billion Award in YPF Lawsuit

    Are these soup kitchens still funded? I wonder how many of these 56% that voted for Milei recognized that they are signing up for major surgery without anesthesia with a probability of success rate of like 30%?
  10. R

    Argentina May Issue Bond to Pay $16 Billion Award in YPF Lawsuit

    If there is zero inflation, but you cannot afford to buy anything, would that be considered a resounding success? Many people here live paycheck to paycheck and barely make ends meet. With the recent surge in prices, they are likely to run out of money by the middle of the month, or perhaps by...
  11. R

    Milei: from chainsaw to pocketknife

    You should definitely add a note about your surgical tool preference to your medical insurance policy. But seriously, what was expected to be a revolution now starts to look like Macri's government with an eccentric frontman - which is not necessarily a bad thing.
  12. R

    What does this election mean for immigrants?

    The Russians have a proverb: 'Not caught - not a thief!' It is an interesting type of mentality. Quite self-encouraging, I would say.
  13. R

    Could Milei win in the first round?

    I'm more afraid the post-election situation might resemble Russia of 1917 rather than Russia of 1985.
  14. R

    Steve Forbes' Commentary on Milei

    I also don't see the relevance. It is a known fact, for example, that the unemployment in Germany significantly decreased under the Nazi regime by 1939 compared to the early 1930s. What conclusion would you make out of that, following the same logic?
  15. R

    The pregnant Russian trafficking network

    You are giving them too much credit. In Russian, it literally says They come to pick him up, how do you go to the hotel? It's not possible to answer a 'how' question with a simple 'yes' or 'no' response. Not to mention the fact that it is unclear who "they" are and who "he" is.
  16. R

    CFK guilty, sentenced to 6 years imprisonment

    Some other countries also seem to be warming up to Venezuela.
  17. R

    Getting refugees admitted

    If they were not forced to leave their houses, hardly you can call them refugees. You just want to get some kids of your relatives for a vacation.
  18. R

    Sense of dread grows in Argentina with difficult March ahead
  19. R

    A comment on taxes

    I think it is pretty easy to spot new arrivals by their overly maximalist attitude to life. But it passes with years.