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  1. John.St

    What Would Dollarization Mean for Expats?

    It all depends on exactly how the Dollarization will play out. If it is to be a repetition of the late 1990s, I am afraid the result will be a disaster, a yet again burnt child. If it is to be an dynamic aka adjustable and not too tight (static) attachment to the US$ it may stabilize the AR$...
  2. John.St

    DNI required to marry

    You wrote: "You get a DNI for (=after) marrying an Argentine." I didn't.
  3. John.St

    DNI required to marry

    Exactly as I wrote: I didn't get one. No denial, etc. I didn't request one either. Residencia + Argentine taxes => No, thanks. We spend 89 days in Argentina, 93 days in Europe and Asia or Africa, 89 days in Argentina, followed by 94 days in Europe and Asia or Africa
  4. John.St

    What would customs do if I brought grapes or other fruit?

    a can = sterilized ... baby food in sterilized containers, glass or can. One can normally bring sterilized food into both Argentina and Chile - but ask at costums to avoid serious problems.
  5. John.St

    DNI required to marry

    I didn't get one after I married una mendocina in May. I also didn't need one to marry, my passport was sufficient ID. It's obvious that Bajo is suffering from a lack of Kirchneristas.
  6. John.St

    Argentina Tops List Of 20 Signs Of Global Economic Meltdown

    Karl Marx's foundered theories were part of the curriculum when I studied national economics. Even though I have provided an example of 156 oz. gold nugget found by a lucky guy with a metal detector, you blabber on about investment and men working their souls out. The spread is huge. Besides...
  7. John.St

    Obamas State Of The Union Speech...

    Such a remark barely deserves an answer, does it? I am afraid a 3-digit IQ is necessary to understand my answer, which follows below. Re.: Great Chairman Adolf: Re.: George W for Wingnut "Shrub". Wingnuts all over the world unite and say things like...
  8. John.St

    Argentina Tops List Of 20 Signs Of Global Economic Meltdown

    Even if we ignore the simple fact, that Karl Marx's theories were proven wrong around 1918-22, the Labor theory of value cannot tell us anything about the intrinsic value of gold. Even if we accepted it (Ltov) to be valid, for the sake of discussion, then at times it takes lots of work and...
  9. John.St

    Argentina Tops List Of 20 Signs Of Global Economic Meltdown

    When the world has gone under in flames and anarchy, and she is standing outside our two caves in the Adirondacs, and she is hungry, she will prefer me with my meat, vegetables and bread to your worthless gold. The intrinsic value of gold, please.
  10. John.St

    Argentina Tops List Of 20 Signs Of Global Economic Meltdown

    Perhaps a little less, when Doomsday has arrived and everybody is sitting in each their little cave in the Adirondacs, eating a raw frog and with their assault rifle at the ready?
  11. John.St

    Argentina Tops List Of 20 Signs Of Global Economic Meltdown

    - and since then the value has been both 888 and 1,888 US$ - up and down. As can be seen from the sooooo nice black and yellow trend pictures above, the value seems to have dropped ever since - or what? :) Since the US and UK dropped the gold as a refence value back in 1971 the market value...
  12. John.St

    Argentina Tops List Of 20 Signs Of Global Economic Meltdown

    Could you please expand on the intrinsic value of gold, except that it is shiny yellow? When Doomsday has arrived Oh we will all burn together when we burn. There'll be no need to stand and wait your turn. When it's time for the fallout And Saint Peter calls us all out, We'll just drop our...
  13. John.St

    Argentina Tops List Of 20 Signs Of Global Economic Meltdown

    Golden cheeks Check gold prices at OANDA Currency I Have: Gold (oz) = xau. Set range to 5 years. Compare with any currency you want, like USD, Albanian Lek, Aruban Florin, GBP, Belize dollar, ... and shock! - the bloody exchange rate is moving up and down...
  14. John.St

    Argentina Tops List Of 20 Signs Of Global Economic Meltdown

    Those drawings are very solid proof to anyone who has his finger on the pulse. The ultimate proof: If you divide the average distance from Sun to Earth measured in Pyramid inches (each one twenty-fifth of a sacred cubit) with the number of contracts in a group (338) you get 1740688533. When you...
  15. John.St

    Obamas State Of The Union Speech...

    Impossible - as we all know, the Great Chairman Adolf just loved coloured people, so it's quite natural some Wingnut other than George Wingnut "Shrub" would remember A. H.
  16. John.St

    Ziplock Bags?

    I buy mine in the nearest Carrefour, where they are placed in the bread department!! and not where the cheap frost bags are.
  17. John.St

    You Are What You Eat...?

    A couple of ideas. Top 4 Farmers Markets in BsAs 1. El Galpón, Av. Fédérico Lacroze 4171, Chacarita, Buenos Aires http://www.elgalpon....lpon/index.html Map: 'B' on the map. 2. Mercado Solidario Bonpland, Bonpland 1660, Palermo, Buenos Aires Map...
  18. John.St

    You Are What You Eat...?

    Many have a romantic vision of how food is produced in Argentina, imagining grass-fed cows roaming the pampas, only to be moved on by mate-sipping gauchos from time to time. Unfortunately, the reality proves to be a stark contrast, with animals shunted into sheds and pumped full of drugs, and...
  19. John.St

    Argentina Tops List Of 20 Signs Of Global Economic Meltdown

    I would suggest "Argentina, business as usual".
  20. John.St

    Argentina Tops List Of 20 Signs Of Global Economic Meltdown

    You are trying to chicken out! :)